Recent content by Skyfly

  1. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    you don't need a redirect uri to setup the bot. follow the tutorial on here Installation under point 8 you can read the following:
  2. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    You created a method called "Log" but i can't see where you are calling that method. Think about what the code you sent does line by line. First you have a static method called ChannelMessage that accepts a user, channel and param. When this method gets called, it checks if you can send a new...
  3. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    In order to log/send messages to discord take a look here: Chat synchronization and logging to discord You want to insert that into the method that handles newly sent messages in your general chat
  4. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Hey, it looks like your bot token is incorrect Make sure to use the token you get from here:
  5. Skyfly

    Displaying current month in a string?

    see this: Custom date and time format strings "m" = minute "M" = month
  6. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Netwonsoft.Json is missing, are you using the latest version or pub57? pub57 is currently not supported, your error says you did not install the "DSharpPlus" dependency (which is required since UODisc is using DSharpPlus as it's base). It's been quite some time since i last worked with pub57...
  7. Skyfly

    Fix command prompt freezing on Windows Server

    When disabling that option you won't be able to select any text anymore. What's causing the freeze is clicking inside the cmd which turns on the selection mode, you can press "Escape" to leave the selection mode which also unfreezes it
  8. Skyfly


    Sounds like you are talking about the "default" keyword as in int i = default; the error comes cause you're using a c# version that is pretty old, you can fix this by replacing "default" with the actual default values or upgrading your servers c# version e.g.: for int or double it would be 0...
  9. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Hey, sorry for the late response you are not supposed to place the code files into your "Server" folder but instead into your "Scripts" folder like shown on the wiki: What kind of errors does it throw?
  10. Skyfly

    EvSys - a simple event system

    Skyfly submitted a new resource: EvSys - a simple event system - evsys simple event system Read more about this resource...
  11. Skyfly

    EvSys - a simple event system 0.1.0

    EvSys - a simple event system This is an event system which allows scheduling events in a simple way, all there is left todo for you is to implement the events themselves Tested on the latest servuo version, might work on pub57 but I can't promise For the setup and usage please check the...
  12. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Both should be fixed now
  13. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Yes but that still results in the same error, try running this and see it for yourself: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) => MainTask().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); static async Task MainTask() { try { for (int i...
  14. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    Hey, thanks for the info about the endAndContinue not sure how it ended up like that, will take a look at it at another time and change it But about the System.ThrowHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException: Collection was modified using a foreach loop would not solve that and instead cause the...
  15. Skyfly

    UODisc - a discord bot

    You can get it when you click on Code and then clone/download it (cloning recommended) Pub57 is the latest release but not the latest version