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Easter Egg Hunt Quest 1.0

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Might be a bit early, but thought I would get 2 Easter Quests posted in case any one would be planning for Easter :)
This one is more of an Easter Egg Hunt- so would be perfect also for any new player's.

How To:
With this easter egg hunt -10 eggs(all of same hue) will need to be collected
There are 4 different hues
Turning in 10 (stacked eggs) the reward will be a gift box with 1 random item
So they can continue with the egg hunt with collecting more items

To change the amount of special easter eggs needed, go into Danny.cs
Look for

if ( mobile != null)if( dropped is SpecialEasterEgg2)
if(dropped.Amount!=10)<<< change this amount

You can spawn Danny in Brit or any town (Dannygump mentions Brit)
I would set up several spawners in different locations in Brit
so they will need to check buildings to find them

One of the gifts which they can get is an Easter Bunny Pet Statue
This bunny is only slightly tougher then a normal rabbit
When you click the statue (after a few minutes of recieving this)
they will get a pet easter bunny (bonded)
Other random items
Stuffed Bunny- vest will be hued (random of direction of Bunny)
Chocolate Rabbit
Moving Easter Egg
Easter Hat
Danny will also give a Easter Basket once they accept the quest to put their collected eggs into.
SS Shows Reward Items
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