Search results

  1. Nerun

    Linux, Make (compile) and ServUO 57.3

    Hi there, I am trying to compile ServUO 57.3 on Linux but no success. My system: Linux Mint 21.2 Mono Dotnet 7.0.110 ServUO 57.3 Using "make" works, a file "ServUO.exe" is created, but it doesn't run. Output is below. ServUO pub 58 compile whitout issues, but it's a work in...
  2. Nerun

    Server load time: "Reticulating spines"

    Hello! I am new to ServUO and i have some doubts. Server startup is TOO slow, it tooks 7.4 minutes (444 seconds) to start for me in a Core i3-4160. It's annoying and counterproductive if you are a scripter. If you are just running a shard, ok. Wait 7~8 minutes to a server startup is nothing...
  3. Nerun

    Coming from RunUO, a briefing of changes?

    Hello fellows (again)! 1) Could someone give-me a short briefing about the major changes in ServUO in relation to RunUO? I don't want to read 3,582 commits at GitHub! :p:rolleyes: 2) I read somewhere it started from RunUO 2.5. Changes made in RunUO 2.6 and 2.7 beta was included too? Thank you!
  4. Nerun

    Nerun's Distro and ServUO

    Hello fellows, Just (re) started now at UO, after a long time away from RunUO. This is my first time here. I already give a try to SERVUO. It looks good. My Question: I have developed Nerun's Distro and have noticed many of it's stuff has been added to ServUO as default. What is good, I do not...
  5. Nerun

    Hi all!

    Hi there! I'm still trying to learn how to use ServUO and what its differences are for RunUO. I read that it was developed from the RunUO 2.5 of Mark Sturgill, the information proceeds? Has the development team ever seen the changes in RunUO 2.6 and 2.7 beta? I developed Nerun's Distro for...