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  1. Juzzver

    Clean Runuo server? Boat Error?

    Try change in MapDefinition.cs MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = true; // OSI Client Patch to MultiComponentList.PostHSFormat = false; // OSI Client Patch if this doesn't solve your problem, try also enabling - TileMatrixPatch TileMatrixPatch.Enabled = true; // OSI Client Patch...
  2. Juzzver

    [ServUO] SetSkills outside Testcenter?

    It should work, because there's set player access. I tested and works fine. CommandSystem.Register("SetSkill", AccessLevel.Player, new CommandEventHandler(SetPlayerSkills_OnCommand)); Make sure that players are using command like (with brakets): [SetSkill Anatomy 100
  3. Juzzver

    UO Custom Paperdolls (2nd Edition)

    The gargoyle looks really good :)
  4. Juzzver

    [ServUO] SetSkills outside Testcenter?

    Idk, you didn't tell what's wrong :) Try just place this file in your Scripts folder and recompile your server. If you have any errors with it, tell there which same.
  5. Juzzver

    How to make an online shop for my players to buy sovereigns and golds?

    For example you can check how it was realized in MyRunUO system (how to include db drivers and connection data, etc) by RunUO: runuo/Config.cs at master · runuo/runuo or just just use google: "database connect C#" - most of examples will work for your server.
  6. Juzzver

    How to make an online shop for my players to buy sovereigns and golds?

    Right. After the successful method, your web server remotely connect the local database of your PC to record the data and values of purchases. Players request the database when opening the game store to show their current balance. After any purchases, you compare the value of the currency with...
  7. Juzzver

    How to make an online shop for my players to buy sovereigns and golds?

    You need to set up a local database and just check for changes using your server.
  8. Juzzver

    [ServUO] SetSkills outside Testcenter?

    If you want, but will need to remove namespaces and usings for it. It's already fully worked script, so you can just copy and create file with that code, then put it anywhere in Scripts folder and it will work.
  9. Juzzver

    [ServUO] SetSkills outside Testcenter?

    It would be better to make special command based on TestCenter speech keywords. If you only need skills it might look like: using System; namespace Server.Commands { public class SetSkillCommand { public static void Initialize() {...
  10. Juzzver

    RunUO - adding iron gate

    or just by value number: [add IronGate 0 [add IronGate 4 etc from 0 to 11
  11. Juzzver

    Disable Bushido and etc. Need to have UOR

    Busido with Ninjutsu are work not only like spells. You also will need to disable abilities. You can do it by override Cast() and Validate(Mobile from) methods. For example: SamuraiSpell.cs public override bool Cast() { Caster.SendMessage("This spell is disabled!")...
  12. Juzzver

    Selling random types of items.

    You need to remove abstract keyword from your class. Change public abstract class BagOfRandomPowerScroll : Bag to public class BagOfRandomPowerScroll : Bag
  13. Juzzver

    UO Architect

    A somewhat expanded version that I have seen:
  14. Juzzver

    Factions Moongate

    You can set difinition for your moongates. For example: [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public string FactionDef { get { return "Minax"; } } // don't forget add this value to serialize/deserialize methods if will need add "set" value too. and now you can compare this value with...
  15. Juzzver

    Help setting up AOS server with old client combo

    For AOS features you can use latest RunUO build. runuo/runuo In CurrentExpanshion.cs just set Core.AOS to disable other features. Download Nerun's Distro package to set spawns accurate AOS era: Nerun's Distro v5.0.6 if you will have errors with neruns after installing where missing some...
  16. Juzzver

    Trying to work a script while working, totally stuck.

    There don't have any properties with MaxResistance, only methods to calculate them. You can add new properties to your PlayerMobile class, e.g.: public int FireResistBonus { get; set; } + don't forget add this property to serialize/deserialize methods to save your value. after it you can find...
  17. Juzzver

    Draw Gamps for UO to order

    It all depends on what exactly you want to get?
  18. Juzzver

    How do I remove the rez robe?

    PlayerMobile.cs Resurrect() method, need to remove next lines: Item deathRobe = new DeathRobe(); if (!EquipItem(deathRobe)) { deathRobe.Delete(); }
  19. Juzzver

    Reduce Magery Spells cast time

    By default all delays of magery spells are based on circles. But you can just override GetCastDelay() method in any spell to set your custom time and conditions. For example we want add delay conditions to GreaterHealSpell: public override TimeSpan GetCastDelay() {...
  20. Juzzver

    Question regarding CPU usage of ServUO and RunUO

    try check it:

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