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  1. Dexter_Lexia

    ServUO Casting vs RealUO

    So I'm running a stopwatch built into the code, basically starts right as the spell begins casting, and stops at the end of the sequence. The Timer priority for the spell timer is 50 milliseconds, so basically, the spell can be up to 50ms late, or 1/20th of a second. At timer priority set to...
  2. Dexter_Lexia

    Newest Muls

    ok cool.
  3. Dexter_Lexia

    Newest Muls

    Milva, what do you need them for? I have a version of Fiddler with UOP support.
  4. Dexter_Lexia

    ServUO Casting vs RealUO

    Very nice, thank you.
  5. Dexter_Lexia

    ServUO Casting vs RealUO

    Yea you'd need similar pings, defiantly.
  6. Dexter_Lexia

    ServUO Casting vs RealUO

    I used EasyUO. But like I said, its nearly impossible to account for lag on an EA server, and comparing it to a test server with virtually no lag. Also, some spells may have longer cast times than others in a particular circle, such as blade spirits. MOst spells would need to be tested individually.
  7. Dexter_Lexia

    ServUO Casting vs RealUO

    You need a way to time it, from cast time to target time, preferably in milliseconds. You then need to take into account latency for lag.
  8. Dexter_Lexia

    how to remove placed basemultis?

    An xmlfind with range check is how i do it. I can never remember those fancy commands lol.
  9. Dexter_Lexia

    Hello everyone.

  10. Dexter_Lexia

    New Magincia Bazaar house lots lottery expired

    xmlfind MaginciaLottoSystem, that is the actual item controller. Reset it from the props gump. You can do that as many times as you want until all plots are taken.
  11. Dexter_Lexia

    Adding Quests to MLQuest

    Yea, ServUO does not use the RunUO ML Quest system. IIRC, the RunUO version was terribly incomplete.
  12. Dexter_Lexia

    Adding Quests to MLQuest

    Are you use RunUO?
  13. Dexter_Lexia


    You can add overloaded methods instead of the default parameter.
  14. Dexter_Lexia


    Are you running an older version of RunUO? Its targeting the wrong net version. Yahtzee is compatible with the newest ServUO version.
  15. Dexter_Lexia


    You need net framework 4 or higher i believe.
  16. Dexter_Lexia

    Housing elements problem - MultiCollection.uop

    They are included in the MCL, they are just flagged to disappear when you actually lay out the multi. That's why they appear in housing preview house and boat previews (tillerman, mooring lines, etc). What i meant was, after the actual functional items are added, the MCL isn't loaded which tells...
  17. Dexter_Lexia

    Server.Mobiles.GargishWarrior startup Error

    That is conflicting layers. Show me the script for GargishWarrior.
  18. Dexter_Lexia

    Housing elements problem - MultiCollection.uop

    Yes, this is well above my pay grade as well. The new houses will display, but will not work property, ie opening doors, etc as the Multi Component List is not present. @Voxpire, any progress with this?
  19. Dexter_Lexia

    NPC casting speed

    I think they are 0/0 casting.
  20. Dexter_Lexia

    Approaching Player names and item names

    This edit was to disable contex menus on pre-AOS servers. The problem is, ContextMenu feature is present in ALL expansions for some reason, and has been that way since RunUO. I don’t know if removing it from Pre AOS expansions will break anything in the client. That’s why OPLEnable was used, I’m...

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