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  1. Dexter_Lexia

    Approaching Player names and item names

    I made the fix to this, but it wasn't quite like the example above. The only thing I did: public static void ContextMenuRequest(NetState state, PacketReader pvSrc) { var target = World.FindEntity(pvSrc.ReadInt32()); if (target != null && ObjectPropertyList.Enabled)...
  2. Dexter_Lexia

    Approaching Player names and item names

    Were there Context Menus on teh earlier expansions? Look at the CharacterListFlags.
  3. Dexter_Lexia

    Approaching Player names and item names

    Yea, looks like some of the login is ass backwards.
  4. Dexter_Lexia

    To prevent players and players from passing What should I do?

    If they are full stamina they will pass. I'm pretty sure this will require a core edit.
  5. Dexter_Lexia

    Trying to Make Attunement Absorb Magical Damage as well

    So, remove the type check.
  6. Dexter_Lexia

    Trying to Make Attunement Absorb Magical Damage as well

    AOS.cs: if (type <= DamageType.Ranged) { AttuneWeaponSpell.TryAbsorb(m, ref totalDamage); } change to: AttuneWeaponSpell.TryAbsorb(m, ref totalDamage
  7. Dexter_Lexia

    Pet training under ML core expansion?

    PetTrainingHelper.cs, you'd have to manually set the Enabled property to true.
  8. Dexter_Lexia

    Buff Bar

    Buff bar is all client side. The server is responsible for sending the buff and buff data to the client.
  9. Dexter_Lexia

    Gump Tool tips

    AddTooltip(1114774, String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t{2}", val1, val2, val3));
  10. Dexter_Lexia

    Gump Tool tips

    Your gump has to derive from BaseGump, not Gump to use that.
  11. Dexter_Lexia

    Make Talisman equipable on doubleclick

    public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile m) { if(IsChildOf(m.Backpack) && m.FindItemOnLayer(Layer.Talisman) == null) { m.EquipItem(this); } }
  12. Dexter_Lexia

    Gump Tool tips

    Tooltips with arguments caused client crashes as it is not supported by the client. If you use BaseGump, that method is supported.
  13. Dexter_Lexia

    Era checks

    Yea, i got cavern of discarded.
  14. Dexter_Lexia

    Era checks

    well have to add era checks within the system. It being enabled will be ML. Good catch.
  15. Dexter_Lexia

    Era checks

    Good call. The first iteration of it was released right before I quite EA, and that was sometime between ML and SA.
  16. Dexter_Lexia

    Era checks

    What era check should clean up Britannia get? ML?
  17. Dexter_Lexia

    Era checks

    The riding swipe ones? I added all of those in.
  18. Dexter_Lexia

    Newest Classic Client- tons of enhancements

    Macros may use the same packets as EC, so may be good. We'll have to test.
  19. Dexter_Lexia

    Jokue's staff runbook

    Lol I had to look on that up.

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