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  1. Ravenwolfe

    Can I Have Find Base Code ?

    The base code will be whatever the class inherits from. We need to see the class declaration to know the base. My guess would be that it bases off Item, but cant be sure from what you posted.
  2. Ravenwolfe


    Evolution - generally means a system that has creatures or items that gain in power over time. Most of the systems are pets that can gain levels or evolve into a new pet. They often include a "bio" system which involves breeding and/or genetic engineering.
  3. Ravenwolfe

    Invasion System

    Probably, but it would be tricky since RunUO 1.0 compiles older c# and the system uses Linq. I've got many things on my plate before i would look at that, including improvements to this system. A major goal is better spawning so creatures dont end up in unreachable spots.
  4. Ravenwolfe

    Invasion System

    Yes, you should be able to add it after the "from" is cast.
  5. Ravenwolfe

    Issue with Mono Compiler?...

    Make sure you have permissions set on your folders.
  6. Ravenwolfe

    Request of a extra feature in Scripts/Multis/BaseCamp.cs

    No worries, sometimes its hard to tell someone's attitude on the forums! Anyway, I happen to agree that a virtual RemoveItem function would be an excellent thing to add to the base class. I can certainly see how it would be useful.
  7. Ravenwolfe

    Request of a extra feature in Scripts/Multis/BaseCamp.cs

    I can't decide if that is meant to be a smart-ass comment, so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and ignore it. Of course you wouldn't access a private variable inside an inherited class. You would create your own variable for the instance of your class and not call the base class...
  8. Ravenwolfe

    Skill to provide inherent aos property bonuses

    Need to see more code. Where are you calling the GetNewLmc function from?
  9. Ravenwolfe

    Request of a extra feature in Scripts/Multis/BaseCamp.cs

    Im assuming you are inheriting your class from BaseCamp and wanting that function added to BaseCamp but it seems to me it would be easier to override the OnAfterDelete in your custom class and then remove the item from the list prior to the items being counted and deleted. It should be trivial...
  10. Ravenwolfe


    No worries, let me know if you need more guidance.
  11. Ravenwolfe


    That disabled the spell, they can not cast it. If you want to stop the scrolls from dropping, than you need to remove them from LootPack.cs
  12. Ravenwolfe


    Initializer.cs Comment the spell out.
  13. Ravenwolfe

    Invasion System

    As stated, the map can be set for each town in the scripts but the gump doesnt specify the map, so you basically are hardcoding the locations in the script. I'll look at expanding the functionality in the next version.
  14. Ravenwolfe

    The Revenge Of The Dark Lord's

    You will probably get a better response if you describe things like the Era, Goals, PvP or PvM, etc.
  15. Ravenwolfe


    I'll send a PR changing to SkillCat.
  16. Ravenwolfe

    Complex teleporters

    Not bad, could maybe just have the attachment check proximity to the spawner each tick. Plus you need to remove the attachment after they teleport. I don't doubt that it can be done with XML, and I love the xml system as much as the next guy but I always cringe at someone trying to make XML do...
  17. Ravenwolfe

    Complex teleporters

    Number 1 is possible by having the spawner do a test on the trigger mob's properties . See PlayerTriggerProp Number 2 and 3 MAY be possible by using a combination of a spawndelay and proximity trigger. However, as Goober said, This would be infinitely easier by coding. Why are you against the...
  18. Ravenwolfe


    Those are cliloc values.
  19. Ravenwolfe

    IP to a Domain Name

    You dont need two domains. You can have something like and Then you can set DNS to point to the different IP addresses, one for your game server and the other for your wordpress website. But as Tas said, we need to know who you bought your domain from as they...
  20. Ravenwolfe

    IP to a Domain Name

    Whoever is hosting your domain should have a control panel that allows you to set your DNS. Who do you have your domain from?

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