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  1. Ravenwolfe

    Something's wrong with [CreateWorld

    Take off the @ sign.
  2. Ravenwolfe

    Something's wrong with [CreateWorld

    Try running ServUO as an admin.
  3. Ravenwolfe

    Something's wrong with [CreateWorld

    Just do [setsaves false Then use [createworld Then do [setsaves true No need to recompile or shut the server down.
  4. Ravenwolfe

    Something's wrong with [CreateWorld

    @Dexter_Lexia - Have seen this happen a few times, should we have [createworld disable saves until completed?
  5. Ravenwolfe

    Xml Attachent OT

    Your timer in the script above is checking for an attachment, and if they dont have an attachment, then it adds the attachment. However, its not doing anything else, shouldn't it be awarding points or something? a.VetPoints += 10; Also don't see where the timer is being started and I don't see...
  6. Ravenwolfe

    ProgressBar in UO Gump?

    Yes, it is possible. The bigger question is do you want it to update automatically or each time you open the gump? If you only need it to show progress when you first open the gump, its pretty easy. If you want it to update on the fly, you will need a framework like SuperGumps from VNC.
  7. Ravenwolfe

    Introductions are fun!

    Great to see you over here, lurking or not!
  8. Ravenwolfe

    Trying to Start My Own UO

    Is there a reason you are using an old version of RunUO? I would suggest either using ServUO or a newer version of RunUO.
  9. Ravenwolfe error

    Why use a virtual machine? There is nothing wrong with running the server and client both within Windows 7. What Pyro is mentioning is that it is often beneficial to have two copies of the client directory. One for the server to use and another for you to use to play. Example, point the server...
  10. Ravenwolfe

    Setting Server Time

    You can change the logs to use local time if you wish, just need to edit those to use DateTime.Now instead of DateTime.UtcNow.
  11. Ravenwolfe

    Setting Server Time

    ServUO uses UTC for the server time to avoid complications with Daylight Savings.
  12. Ravenwolfe

    Annoying bug with item deletion

    Yes, it would. Guess that could be a downside - judgement call. I guess to me that's not a big deal, several things close containers such as moving thru a moongate.
  13. Ravenwolfe

    Annoying bug with item deletion

    There are always several ways to skin a cat. However, I'm not a fan of using timers when there is another solution. Timers tend to use more CPU and memory than straight code. In this case, I think you would be better off just re-opening their backpack right after deletion. Just change the end of...
  14. Ravenwolfe

    My Music System with Synthesizer

    @tass23 - I got it to work with the piano addon, but I couldn't get it to do anything with a regular instrument. Am I misunderstanding what this actually does? Looking at the code, I saw several functions that never get called, so I assume some functionality is missing or not added yet?
  15. Ravenwolfe

    My Music System with Synthesizer

    Totally, don't get me wrong, the script is awesome, just was letting you know what to put on the bug list.
  16. Ravenwolfe

    My Music System with Synthesizer

    Your script is also creating internal items. Everytime you [playlute it creates 3 lutes on the internal map and does not dispose of them.
  17. Ravenwolfe

    Old school Renaissance-era shards and spawning

    No, I think you are misunderstanding a bit. You still use ServUO as the emulator and use whichever client that you want. You set them emulator to use an older era in the configuration files. The spawn files that I gave you a link to are just that, they are files that store information about the...
  18. Ravenwolfe

    Old school Renaissance-era shards and spawning

    Spawns are really not that difficult to set up. I think if you start with those xml files I linked you to, you will be fine. They are a pretty good start for a standard early era world. Once you put them in, you will find them easy to tweak. About the only time spawns are difficult is on custom...
  19. Ravenwolfe

    Old school Renaissance-era shards and spawning

    Depends on your definition of accurate. If you mean the creatures that were only available during that time, then its fairly easy. If you mean the exact spawns in the exact locations of the spawns during T2A, that's a bit harder to replicate because people have different memories. Areas such as...
  20. Ravenwolfe

    Old school Renaissance-era shards and spawning

    My project, which I have not spent much time on unfortunately, has some older spawns in it. You are welcome to use them as a starting point. They are based on Publish 16 -

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