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  1. Ravenwolfe

    Help with giftgiving.cs

    It was a good year! :D
  2. Ravenwolfe

    Help with giftgiving.cs

    You have it set to Finish on 2016, 1, 1 Change that to 2017, 1, 1
  3. Ravenwolfe

    First time - Changing trammel/felucca to same gametime?

    Looks like this line is modifying the time based on the map index. Remove it. if (map != null) totalMinutes += map.MapIndex * 320;
  4. Ravenwolfe

    Change/Remove Guard Zones

    You set the starting X and Y points and the height and width is the number of tiles to add to the X and Y co-ordinated. X,Y---------------------------------------------------------Width - - - - - - - - - Height-------------------------------------------------------End of Box
  5. Ravenwolfe

    Arrow PM (private message)

    Here is the one I have. I think @Bittiez is on these forums sometimes.
  6. Ravenwolfe

    Arrow PM (private message)

    You talking about the Arrow PM from Bittiez?
  7. Ravenwolfe

    Change/Remove Guard Zones

  8. Ravenwolfe

    Robe BodyMod Issue

    Do others see you as invisible or can they see you normally?
  9. Ravenwolfe

    Robe BodyMod Issue

    Are you using razor? Try to resynch the client when you appear to be invisible to determine if this is a client refresh issue please.
  10. Ravenwolfe

    Getting a newb human/elf armor set to auto equip in charactercreation

    I always add equipment in the Character Creation eventsink... newChar.EquipItem(new NewbCap()); I do this right before I place them in the world.
  11. Ravenwolfe

    Getting a newb human/elf armor set to auto equip in charactercreation

    Where is that placed, is that in the AddBackpack method?
  12. Ravenwolfe

    How can i...

  13. Ravenwolfe

    How can i...

    Set them to Fightmode.None: public ServantOfSemidar() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.None, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4)
  14. Ravenwolfe

    What handles Bonded creatures?

    That's because you set non bonded animals to be removed: else { c.Loyalty -= (BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty / 25); if (c.Loyalty <= (BaseCreature.MaxLoyalty / 25)) { c.Say(1043270, c.Name); // * ~1_NAME~...
  15. Ravenwolfe

    UO:T2A graphics under client

    Thanks for the additional detail. This is a great resource and an excellent share.
  16. Ravenwolfe

    What handles Bonded creatures?

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I love Notepad++ for a lightweight solution when I'm messing with a single file. I used to use Notepad++ for everything until Voxpire and Tresdni turned me on to the ooey goodness of VS. You just cant beat the ability for the program to see the entire project and how each...
  17. Ravenwolfe

    What handles Bonded creatures?

    I cant stress this enough, use Visual Studio. Its free and you will see the missing brace immediately when the rest of your code turns red, lol.
  18. Ravenwolfe

    A [clearfacet command that would ignore houses and their items, where to start?

    Look at the way clearfacet loops thru the items and then create a command based on that but have it exclude anything within a houseregion using a list.Remove
  19. Ravenwolfe

    PlayerVendor not charging Gold per day.

    Oh, that explains the DateTime, lol. Didn't realize that, ignore my comments on DateTime then, lol
  20. Ravenwolfe

    Bank/Stabling problem

    I've not used the script, how is it determining when to award kp? If there are no distro edits for this package, where is it hooking to determine when to award the kp?

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