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  1. zerodowned

    Lost mobile

    Add in game, use [props and target the mobile, the class name will appear at the top of the props menu The file may not be included in your solution in VS, so it won't show doing a search If it's not showing doing a search in windows explorer, it may not be indexed yet
  2. zerodowned

    Getting Started Issues with setup - I keep getting an error with razor launch about negative parameters

    Not technically pay to play, you can play for free now but with limitations. I tested out NL completely for free. I don't think they necessarily spent time reorganizing their cliloc library just to hit freeshards either. Yes they're cracking down on third party clients, but we're talking about...
  3. zerodowned

    turning off the world saving messages

    I would advise to restore the core, yes, but the edits i mentioned above are in the Scripts folder Runuo 2.2 can be found here But make sure to copy your current folder and run a test. If your old core has edits, trying to recompile a fresh core...
  4. zerodowned

    Getting Started Issues with setup - I keep getting an error with razor launch about negative parameters

    The issue seems related to the new client files though, which causes a similar error noted here Thread 'Client broke my Server.' Client broke my Server.
  5. zerodowned

    Client broke my Server.

    I had the same issue, haven't figured it out yet
  6. zerodowned

    turning off the world saving messages

    @Archaaz @Corp Por This The server won't compile unless you have the core, sure it's not a hidden file? Anyway, see here, true will send the save messages: Which references this method...
  7. zerodowned


    Why not just place a real house? Or if you have the Townhouse system, use that to create a house region so you can secure the runebooks
  8. zerodowned

    Disabling the World Save message in RunUO

    What do you mean? The server won't compile without the core
  9. zerodowned

    Client Questions (Anyone have ?)

    I'm not too familiar with it, but as @AsYlum mentioned, you'll definitely want a tool/program to convert files between UOP and MUL format Also, idk how familiar you are with how UO works but you'll unfortunately need to make item art, the item seen on the ground or in containers Gump art...
  10. zerodowned

    Getting Started Issues with setup - I keep getting an error with razor launch about negative parameters

    Just had this same error when trying to run a server on the newest client version. I believe it's an issue related to how clilocs are handled in the code and an int overflow I'll submit a bug report on github
  11. zerodowned


    If you're getting stuck underground then your client versions, maps, etc, don't match between what the server is using and your client If you're using the actual UOR client files, you'll need to adjust the map sizes
  12. zerodowned

    I am new and I have a problem

    [area delete where basemulti
  13. zerodowned

    I don't understand why it crashes

    Good catch, debugging AI generated code is fun
  14. zerodowned


    Download the source code: Open and change to UOR: Config/Expansion.cfg Run the Compile Win Release
  15. zerodowned

    Moving ServUO to a different computer

    Can't like this enough, I always forget when moving my server to a new host that THIS is a very important detail Thank you @Falkor
  16. zerodowned

    I am facing Issues with Custom Scripts Causing Server Crashes

    Looks like your servuo version is kind of old. If your crash logs aren't helping you find the issue, run the server in debug mode until it crashes again. If there's no debug.bat in your main folder, follow the instructions here...
  17. zerodowned

    Taking some time off to regain my sanity.

    Taking some time off to regain my sanity.
  18. zerodowned

    How To: Customize Settings for Shard

    Not that I'm aware of
  19. zerodowned

    Question about c#

    The term you're looking for is Inheritance Easiest example is public class BoneArms : BaseArmor BoneArms inherits BaseArmor, which in turn inherits Item.cs (from the Server folder, also known as the Core) When you inherit a class you have to be mindful of what the parent class(es) hold to...
  20. zerodowned

    Interacting with secured containers while standing outside the house

    Can you test something to verify what I'm seeing on my end? - Change your house to Public and you should be able to access the container while outside the house - Change it back to Private and you cannot access it again

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