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  1. zerodowned

    Weird console error:

    Pretty sure they're trying to press a button on a gump that doesn't have a coded response or one they aren't supposed to have access to
  2. zerodowned

    I want to know how to solve npc invincible status.

    Are you testing it as a player character or as a staff character?
  3. zerodowned

    Finding Item in World public static bool FindItem(int x, int y, int z, Map map, Item test) { return FindItem(new Point3D(x, y, z), map, test); } public static...
  4. zerodowned

    Dark Forest

    - Blood of Heroes guild will be hosting a chicken battle this coming weekend -- See our discord for rules - If we reach 35 active players online by the end of July 2023, I will give each account 25 Dark Forest Bucks (DFB). -- DFB is our donation currency, typically $1/DFB -- Only rule is that...
  5. zerodowned

    Tips for New Server Owners

    Games that do well to gain and retain player interest have a lot of continual updates and changes and limited time things happening. DO NOT try to make your server perfect from day 1 so that nothing ever changes. Make small but frequent releases to suit this, and this tactic also helps with...
  6. zerodowned

    Weird Control Slot Bug

    It's my understanding that Pet Training would increase the follower/control slots required, not decrease them. Are you saying that the follower slots required for a pet are decreasing? Or is the max follower slots of a player increasing?
  7. zerodowned

    updating this script to run on runuo1.0

    private DateTime m_nextGrowth; [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public DateTime NextGrowth { get{ return m_nextGrowth; } set{ m_nextGrowth = value; } } private SecureLevel m_level...
  8. zerodowned

    updating this script to run on runuo1.0

    which item are you adding? there's a lot of them in the script you're sharing
  9. zerodowned

    Gear Bag

    This gives me an idea for something. Thank you for sharing
  10. zerodowned

    Runewords (Diablo 2 Style)

    Interesting system, like @Finaltwist i never played Diablo so not familiar with runewords and looked it up @Bittiez why add anything to the weight though? Im unclear why that's a way to make it drag and drop
  11. zerodowned

    Multiple Random Properties - How to check the 3rd property in loop?

    I'm thinking an easy way to go about it is to have a List intialized with all the weaponattributes, then copy that list and remove properties from the new list as it's added to the weapon. this way you don't need to constantly check if property 2 = 1, and if property 3 = 2 or 1
  12. zerodowned


    Follow my steps here Create a copy of an existing map [ no custom files required ]
  13. zerodowned

    Portable Anvil, Forge and Soul Forge

    Nice work :)
  14. zerodowned

    Portable Anvil, Forge and Soul Forge

    those files and edits look very familiar :cool:
  15. zerodowned

    Setting XML Value in Script

    I'm going to guess you have m_RequiredLevel in BaseArmor.cs GetProperties Just remove it from this script in particular and that should resolve the issue
  16. zerodowned


    please don't attempt to divide by me, it hurts :p sounds like someone is trying to use a bandage with 0 or less than 0 healing / vet skill. i would need to see your Bandage.cs file to be sure what's going on
  17. zerodowned

    Creatures that stop attacking off-screen of the player.

    I believe this should work public override bool PlayerRangeSensitive { get { return false; } }
  18. zerodowned

    No skill-cap in standard server?

    Depends on what you're going for. Overall, PvP likes "builds" ; pve/pvm/crafters tend to prefer everything. A higher cap may be better overall.
  19. zerodowned

    Mobile Speed Control questions

    You can set CurrentSpeed or use SpeedControl Disable turns the speed control off. But this will force a mobile to walk and actually uses walk animations
  20. zerodowned

    UOS Mouse Over Props Broken?

    In my experience it be that UOS is kind of broken and/or CUO is honestly just better at loading and displaying that information. CUO is far less picky and more capable of displaying it. What may help with displaying that info on UOS is using the Vitanex properties feature. I don't have the...

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