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  1. Falkor

    Mobs killed and spawn back in "freely" bug!!!

    Heh - I bet that would do it! Which, btw, would have been caught by the serial check I suggested. It would at least have told us the mob wasn't respawning - it was just never dying. I missed it because I was looking at the Archon files which don't have any OnDeath override for Barracoon...
  2. Falkor

    Mobs killed and spawn back in "freely" bug!!!

    Props the mob and note its serial. Kill it. Then props the new one and get its serial. If they're different, it's being respawned (maybe check its home value?) and if not it's the same mob not actually being killed.
  3. Falkor

    Script Question

    The best way to learn programming is to start by editing an existing item to learn how it works. Small steps first, then try bigger changes. Use other scripts as an example of the correct approach for what you hope to accomplish. The rest is just based on practice. There's no quick way...
  4. Falkor

    Where to add Dungeon Regions?

    You need to edit regions.xml in /Data using a text editor. You'll see the file is divided into facets and then into areas in each one. Without breaking the formatting of an existing region you just insert your own. These examples are from the Sosaria map from DarkShard. <region...
  5. Falkor

    DefCarpentry not pulling certain boards from Wood Storage Key... Stumped!

    It's almost like somebody mentioned it this morning...
  6. Falkor

    DefCarpentry not pulling certain boards from Wood Storage Key... Stumped!

    Have you looked at CraftItem.cs yet? That's where storage edits have been made in the past. I've decided against storage on the shard I'm working on so I can't provide examples but the Archon archive I have does have storage key edits in it.
  7. Falkor

    Getting back from -Karma

    You can't just leave it like that! Otherwise it's like every other thread on the internet: Problem, discussion, discussion, discussion.... then silence. What was the solution?!
  8. Falkor

    Is it possible to force players to use a 3d client?

    Everybody ignores Classic UO If you force players to use a buggy, abandoned client you'll soon find you have no players.
  9. Falkor

    How can I make my server compatible with Sallos?

    You won't be disappointed with Classic UO. It is everything Sallos hoped to be times 1000.
  10. Falkor

    How can I make my server compatible with Sallos?

    I didn't know it was still developed. Pretty much everyone on it went to this one instead:
  11. Falkor

    Help for Adventure's mysterious corpse lag (runuo)

    I wonder if the lag isn't corpse-related then but somewhere in the player backpack script? By that point in the script all the checks have been done so they can't be the source of the lag; simply moving the resulting item causes lag and the next thing downstream is the player's pack script.
  12. Falkor

    Servuo & ML or Samurai empire

    Hasn't the current ServUO dropped all support for prior eras?
  13. Falkor

    Help for Adventure's mysterious corpse lag (runuo)

    Couple of random questions: Is it when looting manually or with a script of any kind? If a staffer loots the corpse does it cause lag then?
  14. Falkor

    Getting back from -Karma

    Fame and karma awards are done in basecreature. See the "if (GivesFameAndKarmaAward)" for details. Btw, are you getting fame? If not, there's a larger issue happening somewhere. I have the Archon files and the only mobs in the whole server that don't award fame / karma are the revamped...
  15. Falkor

    Getting back from -Karma

    You may need to unlock your karma again. Each time it goes negative, it will have to be unlocked to go up again. At zero karma, killing almost any mob should result in a gain.
  16. Falkor

    Getting back from -Karma

    Yes - karma can be dropped to the max of -20000 just by using necro spells long enough.
  17. Falkor

    Getting back from -Karma

    You must go to an ankh and choose "unlock karma"
  18. Falkor

    Is the Ultima Odyssey thread no more?

    Don't worry - it'll get moved back over here when RunUO disappears again. It may be the original and all, but they walked away from it and let it disappear so the last thing I would ever do now is reward them for doing so. Without ServUO the emu community would be a LOT thinner today!
  19. Falkor

    Wanting to add 105 Power Scroll to the drop

    PsCount = ChampionSpawn ? 5 : 2; //set how many ps to give if it spawned using champ spawn or normal spawn for ( int i = 0; i < PsCount; ++i ) { Mobile m = (Mobile)toGive[i % toGive.Count]; int level; double random =...
  20. Falkor

    Chest-like bank

    Even if you do script it, the client will have an issue displaying it. For example, if you do an AccessLevel check on the person double-clicking the container and set its GumpID accordingly, the client will have cached the first (default) gump loaded when the item appeared on screen. It won't...

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