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  1. Falkor

    Trying to develop new shard could use some advice

    You may end up with issues trying to install it ever since OnSingleClick got removed from the server core. You can comment out the sections that don't work and see if the remaining ones do as you want. Just [add tokenvendorstone and when an admin character double-clicks it it'll go to the...
  2. Falkor

    Working token system

    Since the same functionality is duplicated in the ObjectPropertyList, you can just comment out that section and everything should still work. /* public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from ) { base.OnSingleClick( from ); if ( Stone != null &&...
  3. Falkor

    Vendor stone help

    OnSingleClick has been removed from ServUO. The script may work ok if you comment out that section.
  4. Falkor

    Trying to develop new shard could use some advice

    Daat's token system comes with the Master Looter, which also functions as a blessed gold ledger. The trash for tokens bag and token vendor stone are part of that package as well. There have been some pretty useful tutorials compiled...
  5. Falkor

    [Runuo] Method to call on to make mobile flee/follow target from OnThink

    Test it well -- some other tests for whether people can attack a mob have checks for iscontrolled. It might get treated as if it's another player's pet!
  6. Falkor

    [Runuo] Method to call on to make mobile flee/follow target from OnThink

    Look at AnimalAI.cs, right at the top. You'll see the options you're looking for -- you basically set their action equal to what you want them to do (Action = ActionType.Flee or Action = ActionType.Combat in your case) To call them, place the code within the action(s) you want the check to...
  7. Falkor

    Easiest way to merge new updates?

    As soon as you have custom content you have to merge manually like you've been doing. Automated tools can replace older files with new ones but they can't take into account your edits.
  8. Falkor

    Hello all

    The formula used is in GenericSell.cs For example: if (item is BaseArmor) { BaseArmor armor = (BaseArmor)item; if (armor.Quality == ItemQuality.Low) price = (int)(price * 0.60); else if (armor.Quality...
  9. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    The server isn't accurately interpreting the map. To it, the Eodon area is just a blank area of the TerMur map so nothing there can move. The fix is finding out where it's pulling the wrong map from. We know it's getting some map because you can walk in other areas of TerMur. It could be...
  10. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    That's normal even for the latest client. It's just the flags being presented to it by the client -- that it supports SA and 7 characters. [DecorateSA -- spawns Stygian Abyss & Ter Mur areas [GenMiniChamp -- adds the mini champs that make up much of the content in the SA area. If that last...
  11. Falkor

    Can an item emit a light if it is not set to visible?

    Check out the EffectController. If it won't do what you're after (I've never played around to see what it's capable of) it will at least show you how to accomplish things you're after.
  12. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    It needs its own launcher to work.
  13. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    If your EC client was from before Eodon existed then it could be the problem. I'm not even sure that there is such a thing but it's worth looking at. Also make sure the mul files provided for UOAM don't also include the others, like art.mul. The fact that you can walk in the buildings means...
  14. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    Now we need to make sure your server can't locate any .mul files. The maps are named map0.mul through map5.mul in older clients. If you've got another (older) UO client installed somewhere, it's likely reading those files. Do a search for *.mul and see what you find. I would rename them or...
  15. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    Since this wasn't a new topic but a continuation of someone else's, I have to ask: What version of ServUO are you running? When you did do things as I said, what happened? Did you no longer get the "deleting items" issue and it started normally? Did the posthsformat value need to be changed...
  16. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    If you're using a client newer than 7.0.9 the PostHSFormat should be true, just as shown in my example. I think that's how current versions of the server come right out of the box. If you're using client 7.x but before 7.0.9, it should be false.
  17. Falkor

    Is it possible to add custom items to the Ultima Store?

    If you want to add your own, any of the empties should be ok. Just know you're locked into using one client for your shard or a future update will overwrite your custom cliloc file. UOFiddler is a little tricky here. After you add a new entry in one of the empty areas as pictured in your...
  18. Falkor

    Is it possible to add custom items to the Ultima Store?

    I think the reasoning given was that gumps that allowed arbitrary text (not cliloc) were a risk of client crashing. Maybe it's more of a problem with the enhanced client; I use only the classic client and never had a problem with the old way. Holyblablabla -- There is a cliloc for the word...
  19. Falkor

    Cant move in Eodon and Blackthorn.

    If you refuse to do all of it, then there's nothing we can do to help you. Without the proper settings in MapDefinistions.cs, the server doesn't properly interpret item and land tiles. If the last client you did this with was 7.0.9 or older, then you didn't have to do the change there. Now you...
  20. Falkor

    Is it possible to add custom items to the Ultima Store?

    They ripped that ability out with the latest version of the server. The base gump that the store display uses specifically had text support removed so it allows only cliloc entries. It even looks for the "empty" cliloc values that let you append your desired text and it filters them out too...

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