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  1. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    Hey Lokai, Sorry, I know sometimes I'm not the best at expressing what I'm trying to do :) I can completely block them, I got that working, but I'd like them to be able to still use it to travel to Fel locations. When using Omniporter as a "red" I'm restricted to only Fel locations, that's...
  2. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    That's what I thought I did, but it's not restricting the sigil carrier to only fel locations, it still allows someone carrying the sigil to travel anywhere they'd like
  3. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    setting it to all 0's still let's them use the omniporter it just shows the message. What I'm trying to achieve is the same limitation that's applied to reds I need to get it to restrict like this when carrying the sigil 1604581730 Currently, with the way it's set in the above file, when...
  4. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    It loads, no errors, no crashes, still works for everyone....... sadly..... it works for everyone...... I used a "red" char and the menu is properly restricted, but still, holding a sigil, I can go anywhere I want. Omniporter is properly restricted by a RED character carrying a sigil, so I'm...
  5. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    Thanks for the info! Sadly, I'm stuck at work for the next 12hours on this fine Wednesday (or as I call it Hostage Situation: Day 3) I will test this as soon as I am out of here.
  6. kfritz411

    ServUO - Question about adding to loot

    public override void OnDeath( Container c ) { base.OnDeath( c ); if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.1 ) c.DropItem( new EmberStaff() ); if ( Utility.RandomDouble() < 0.01 ) c.DropItem( new DeathsHead() ); } smaller than .9 but it seems to be working the way I'd hoped. Thanks!
  7. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    Hey Lokai, I have been toying around with this and sadly the only thing I've been able to do is crash the server, and make the system say "You can't do that while carrying the sigil" when you open the gump and have a sigil on you. I've tried working in the factions.sigil.existson piece but I...
  8. kfritz411

    ServUO - Question about adding to loot

    At it again folks! I've been looking for ways to randomly add items to monster corpse. I have found this method that is nice and easy, but it's TOO consistent. this.PackReg(2); PackItem( new Soul( Utility.RandomMinMax(0, 1) ) ); PackItem( new...
  9. kfritz411

    Daat99's World Omniporter For ServUO

    How difficult would it be to restrict travel if carrying a town sigil? I tried looking at the publicmoongate.cs but I can't seem to wrap my head around how to copy those restrictions and apply to worldomniporter.cs
  10. kfritz411

    Halloween Quest

    hrm, I'll try in a larger area, I thought I had counted tiles and there should have been enough room for it
  11. kfritz411

    Halloween Quest

    When trying to place deed it keeps telling me "You can not build that there" this happens regardless of where on the house plot I attempt to build. I can use Add to place the addon itself without issue tho. Seems to only be from deed. I redownloaded and compared, the gorefireplaceaddon.cs is...
  12. kfritz411

    ServUO - Paragon Chests

    So what DOES increase the quality? Luck? or is that something I'd have to script?
  13. kfritz411

    ServUO - Paragon Chests

    Hey Folks, back with another one! So, one of my play testers snagged a paragon chest from Abscess They managed to unlock it, but the trap sprung and exploded. When they opened the chest there wasn't anything really that "good" in there. My questions: 1. Is...
  14. kfritz411

    ServUO - Help Diagnosing Crash

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I'll test it shortly!!!!
  15. kfritz411

    ServUO - Help Diagnosing Crash

    @Ravenwolfe No offense taken sir, I warned you it was organized chaos. Mainly cause I don't know what I'm doing except clicky clicky copy paste makes the world go round :) Take all the time you need sir
  16. kfritz411

    ServUO - Help Diagnosing Crash

    Sent over to you sir
  17. kfritz411

    ServUO - Help Diagnosing Crash

    If you're willing to help, I'm willing to work :) let me know what you need and I'll get it done. I can zip and dropbox the server if you'd be willing to look it over. Fair warning, it is organized chaos.... but so far this is the only "problem" my play testers have found.
  18. kfritz411

    ServUO - IDamageable

    I will try that. Thanks @PyrO !!
  19. kfritz411

    ServUO - Help Diagnosing Crash

    It was a preloaded pack, I've just been modifying as I go along
  20. kfritz411

    ServUO - IDamageable

    ServUO pub 54

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