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  1. kfritz411

    Custom Sword

    I removed both my files and put only yours in place. Says correct name now, but abilities are still showing the original Radiant Scimitar.
  2. kfritz411

    Custom Sword

    So I took the RadiantScimitar.cs and am trying to create a new sword (SunBladeMain.cs) with different name and weapon abilities. I don't get any errors during start up. However, the sword still says Radiant Scimitar(pretty sure that has something to do with the base(0x2D33) value) and has...
  3. kfritz411

    Karma Tile

    This is why we can't have nice things
  4. kfritz411

    Karma Tile

    don't want to "disable" PVP really, just want to stop low karma from entering high karma area and vice versa
  5. kfritz411

    Karma Tile

    Nice! Thanks everyone, I'll try that out. My idea is a "safe" zone for pks and blues when in PVP zones. Mainly rez spots
  6. kfritz411

    Karma Tile

    I see tiles set to block non GM players. Is it possible to tie Karma rating to something like that, where if Karma is above or below a certain level it would deny or grant access? Does something like this already exist and I just missed it?
  7. kfritz411

    Question about Hue Editing

    Thank You!
  8. kfritz411


    Anyone know "safe" hue #'s (or a way to find them) that can be edited in client I edited a few and ended up turning the hue of when you hide.... I fixed that, but now am worried about editing these lines....
  9. kfritz411

    Question about Hue Editing

    So I've got UOHueEditor and it works fine, but through my playing I realize that now when people hide they turn bright neon orange lol. I am trying to track down a list or chart of "unused" or "safe" hue numbers so I can add my own colors. Any ideas? Thanks Everyone!
  10. kfritz411

    Dye tubs rack

    every time I try to add a hue, it either tells me that can not be dyed or that hue can not be added... did I break it?
  11. kfritz411

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    I figured it out by looking in the AnimalBODCore.cs [abodtoggle needed to be run, that's the command I was looking for.
  12. kfritz411

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Hey Hammerhand, I broke it again..... BOD System wasn't working, [abod returns in game message that it's not a valid command. Reading forum posts I see a few folks have recompiled to get BOD system working. I recompile and during process I receive Press any key to continue . . . Could Not...
  13. kfritz411

    Hue Center

    What if I want to make the stone free to use? I tried changing code to this: if (from.BankBox.ConsumeTotal( typeof( Gold ), 0 )) Still get message that there wasn't enough gold to withdraw. Tried using the updated file from 07/18/2017 and setting to 0 as well, but my servuo errors out...
  14. kfritz411

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Thanks for the headsup Hammerhand! 'm dumb. I didn't change the datapath, everything appears to be working just fine NOW. Thanks for listening to a rambling fool!
  15. kfritz411

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    No, I just grabbed the download from this post. Do I need to update then? I suppose this is more difficult then copy/paste right? **** Found download to a client in this very thread, still doesn't work
  16. kfritz411

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    anyone having problems with house placement tool in this? both admin and player, place house, there's no stairs, no signpost, and you're stuck under the floor. Not a clue as to what's going on. Client version
  17. kfritz411

    Questions about levelable/customizable weapons

    You're awesome, thanks!
  18. kfritz411

    Pandora's Box 3 Download

    Customs from the custom folder I know I can gt the [add window up and do searches for things, but was hoping for a quicker way to find the custom content
  19. kfritz411

    Pandora's Box 3 Download

    any "tool" out there that functions like pandora but will include custom scripts?
  20. kfritz411

    Pandora's Box 3 Download

    Hey Milva, I was referring to the information I found here:

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