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  1. Juzzver

    Spells that shouldn't disarm...

    Scripts\Spells\Chivalry\PaladinSpell.cs public override bool ClearHandsOnCast { get { return true; } } change to public override bool ClearHandsOnCast { get { return false; } }
  2. Juzzver

    Changing skill cap?

    after change CharacterCreation.cs - only new created players getting changes you can apply a command to existing ones: [global set skillscap 66000 where playermobile
  3. Juzzver

    50 seconds saves

    for example, if the seller disappears in the player's house, then all its contents are transferred to the house sign, and all items will have a parametert of map = Internal. But perhaps they will be tied to the container, just do not remember. So remove at your own risk, knowing about how could...
  4. Juzzver

    50 seconds saves

    It is necessary to understand their origin and to be sure that the hung things are not part of any systems.
  5. Juzzver

    50 seconds saves

    If your server is not online for about six months with the number of players about 50 or more - that is bad value. maybe you have many bugged items anywhere. try look it: [global interface where item map = internal parententity = null order by name if u finding many same items - need clear it...
  6. Juzzver

    Followers doesnt decrease after ''Release''

    I'm not sure, but I think your changes have a problem: /* if ( m.Followers + ControlSlots > m.FollowersMax ) { m.SendLocalizedMessage( 1049607 ); // You have too many followers to control that...
  7. Juzzver

    50 seconds saves

    how many items and mobiles in the world?
  8. Juzzver

    Too many attribute on weapon can cause crash?

    the problem in calculating the speed of a weapon strike BaseWeapon.cs -> GetDelay method
  9. Juzzver

    Adding clothing to custom mobs

    what is it params?? - 2500; 2063 ? if u need set color for this items, u must make next: AddItem(new StaffRobe() { Hue = 2500 }); AddItem(new Lantern() { Hue = 2063 });
  10. Juzzver

    Adding clothing to custom mobs

    using System; using System.Collections; using Server; using Server.Items; using Server.Mobiles; namespace Server.Mobiles { [CorpseName( " corpse of Sutats The Trainer" )] public class SutatsTrainer : BaseCreature { public override bool NoHouseRestrictions { get { return true; } }...
  11. Juzzver

    Adding clothing to custom mobs

    Scripts\Mobiles\Normal\Brigand.cs This block of code marks with attribute [Constructable]. It's must be in all mobiles. And u can add your equipment in this block. [Constructable] public Brigand() : base(AIType.AI_Melee, FightMode.Closest, 10, 1, 0.2, 0.4) {...
  12. Juzzver

    Adding clothing to custom mobs

    Add this lines in mob constructor: AddItem(new StaffRobe( 2500 )); AddItem(new Lantern( 2063 )); look for an example - Brigand.cs
  13. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    Perhaps, but it is necessary to reproduce an error to be sure of it then it is possible and to debug this method.
  14. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    Maybe it was a banal corpse rummage? Creatures can rummage items from corpse in area.
  15. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    You mean not duped items ?
  16. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    and post zombie code
  17. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    Try call stacktrace for EyeOf... contstructor, who item dropped from mummy: try { using (System.IO.StreamWriter op = new System.IO.StreamWriter("dupeBug.log", true)) {...
  18. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    Unfortunately, I don't see where the problem. Need go to deep in the other scripts, which called when creature is dies. Maybe it's in the base Mobile.cs or in Corpse.cs occurs, or at all somewhere else, for example in some of regions which also can fix death.
  19. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    show BaseLootpack, KillInfo and KPTEventSink too. in basecreature I see only gold multiplier, which work only if u wear: Ring - "Codicia" and Gloves - "Gauntescodicia" PlayerMobile p = ds.m_Mobile as PlayerMobile; int mTotalgold = 0...
  20. Juzzver

    Mobs drop duped items (x2)

    here not show it. Try check BaseCreature or Loot scripts.

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