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  1. zerodowned

    control slots bonuses not being applied properly

    I see, it's not freshing. log out and back in and look at it. which makes sense cause it's not meant to change after it's initially set what you'll need to do is go to Server/Mobile.cs line 2445 here: and add...
  2. zerodowned

    control slots bonuses not being applied properly

    ok just making sure. i'll do some testing
  3. zerodowned

    control slots bonuses not being applied properly

    did you follow these instructions? // Open PlayerMobile.cs and find, in the ValidateEquipment_Sandbox method, the following line: // // Mobile from = this; // // Under that line, add the line bellow: // // MaxFollowersIntelValued.Evaluate(from); here
  4. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    thank you :) i also want to make it so it stays on the page you are when buying something instead of going back to page 1 everytime. that's a huge annoyance for me as a player. i'll work on that some more too
  5. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    pulled some code from the MysteriousWisp to better optimize centering of items on the button. will include in a future update i'm considering re-enabling the "view item" gump to prevent players accidentally buying something. Thoughts?
  6. zerodowned


    I can't either. Not sure why, I have nothing to do with the back-end of the forums
  7. zerodowned

    Adding an item ingame that requires an int value....

    a newer c# way to do it is initialize the constructor value public LevelUpScroll (int value = 1) : base(0x14F0) does exactly the same thing as falkor's code but I prefer this method
  8. zerodowned

    Custom Worlds

    you're looking for an open source tool to use as a reference? i don't know of any as I don't do custom maps but if you haven't already tried searching github then that's a good place to start
  9. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    bug is fixed with the latest version = 1.2
  10. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    zerodowned updated CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update with a new update entry: minor gump bug fix Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update - minor gump bug fix

    fixed bug with the staff side manageitems gump and added in a feature i forgot - box that holds the rewards is not Visible by default
  12. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    interesting, didn't see during testing and I did test with a second page. I'll take another look now. edit: oh, i noticed that this is on the manageitems menu. do you get the same issue if looking at it with a player character? that must be what I overlooked. give me a few moments
  13. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update

    zerodowned submitted a new resource: CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update - stuff and thangs Read more about this resource...
  14. zerodowned

    CompletelyCustomizableVendor overhaul and update 1.3

    I've updated the CompletelyCustomizableVendor script to work with the newest repo and added some of my own updates ver 1.1 1) Now supports 6 items per page instead of 4 2) Overall "reskin" of the gump to look better 3) Amounts now support commas, so you'll see 1,000,000 instead of 1000000 4)...
  15. zerodowned

    looking for help for make this...

    so... they can only res by using ankhs? they can't see other players, so other players can't heal them they can't see npc so healer/wandering healers can't res them how exactly are ghosts raiding people? by going into their house?
  16. zerodowned

    [Updated Custom Release] XmlAttach & XmlLevelItem for newest repo

    Moved to custom releases since attachments have nothing to do with xml spawners. :)
  17. zerodowned

    [Updated Custom Release] XmlAttach & XmlLevelItem for newest repo

    Updating these two to work with the newest repo of Servuo. Note: 1) XML Attach use to be included with the repo but was recently taken out. I had to make a small edit to get it working 2) For XML Level Item to work correctly it requires edits to BaseCreature, BaseWeapon, BaseArmor etc...
  18. zerodowned

    Resists on a Spellbook?

    np and yes changing the itemID would cause issues. mainly with layers and equipping stuff and the book might not open or something else
  19. zerodowned

    servuo 57 firewalled god

    Step 1: breathe Step 2: in your main servuo folder you should see a file called firewall (it's a cfg file but you can edit with notepad or whatever) open it > delete the IP you want to unfirewall > save and you're good to go
  20. zerodowned

    Resists on a Spellbook?

    line 12 remove Overide, the prompt is telling you there's no "public virtual int BasePhysicalResistance" in the inherited script: Spellbook public int BasePhysicalResistance{ get{ return 5; } } // should compile but not actually work what might work better as a basic workaround is to use an...

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