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  1. dmurphy

    Abandoned or Donated Full Shards

    That's a link for their app. This is the correct link:!k0QTgC5Q!mHPPTjLT8tkhAGoK5x-1GlJ-JND4D4uyupOfUkvMMAE
  2. dmurphy

    Why my shard banker cannot made the cheque?

    It is not a problem. Shards do not use checks any more since the new gold system has been introduced. Instead it uses an account based gold balance. Think of it replacing checks with a debit card. However, if you prefer the old system then you can do so by editing CurrentExpansion.cs
  3. dmurphy

    Coding with Curly brackets

    I have my own Resharper license and recommend everyone who is serious about coding to get one too! I used coderush and justcode in the past but they are nowhere near as powerful as resharper is. Our license expired about a week ago, they have changed the way you have to apply for open source...
  4. dmurphy

    Why do i get those messages ?

    Run ServUO in admin mode, likely you have UAC enabled and have UO installed on your C drive. This causes issues with file permissions when ServUO attempts to read the game files.
  5. dmurphy

    Help with custom ore system

    That code is horribly malformed. What exactly were you trying to achieve? Also, in the future you should use code tags, it will format the code so we can read it easier. You can view an example here:
  6. dmurphy

    Tailoring Bug?

    That is why I asked did you have the latest repo commit as this issue was thought to be fixed. You should set up git on your computer so you know when changes in the repo occur.
  7. dmurphy

    Happy Birthday dmurphy!

    Awesome, thanks guys! :)
  8. dmurphy

    Tailoring Bug?

    Are you using the latest commit from the repo?
  9. dmurphy

    XML and double projects

    Yeah XMLParagon is a different system to paragon. The system in XMLSpawner allows you to create an attachment for an xmlspawner that allows you to control various paragon spawning options.
  10. dmurphy


    Have a look in the Config directory. Specifically the Autosave.cfg file. You might also want to check out this tutorial:
  11. dmurphy

    Problem with region and target

    Here is the commit where it was implemented: If there is still something missing let me know.
  12. dmurphy

    Problem with region and target

    I updated begging a while back to be up to date with OSI. If you beg from elfs then you get items instead of gold. Is there still something missing?
  13. dmurphy

    Chat System Disabled?

    Definitely. Knives chat has had its day I think. And our mission is to Emulate OSI so it's obvious that the chat system should match osi.
  14. dmurphy

    Chat System Disabled?

    I agree. It would be great to implement the chat built into the client.
  15. dmurphy

    Password needed for SVN?

    I am glad I slept through that one!
  16. dmurphy

    Unable to Compile Server Please Help

    That is fine, press any key like the prompts tell you too and you will compile the exe on the next step.
  17. dmurphy

    0 notifications

    Should be fixed now. Took a bit longer due to CDN issues.
  18. dmurphy

    0 notifications

    I will have this fixed in the next hour.
  19. dmurphy

    And the sign said anyone caught trespassing would be shot on sight.

    And the sign said anyone caught trespassing would be shot on sight.
  20. dmurphy

    redhat's new Openshift

    It would be good for the community if someone were to make a guide to setting up an instance on AWS and then installing the prerequisites for ServUO (mono) and ServUO itself.

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