This is merely a book that will show the target seeds type.
Included in the .rar is a regular one time use book, and an endless use book.
I hope someone gets some use out of these.
What I'm kind of looking for here are some fresh script ideas. If you have some you would like you see because you cant script it yourself or even if you're too lazy to do them...
Spit 'em out!
I have the client that Ulmeta used. Contains custom maps, cracked client, and other small edits that were needed for the Ulmeta server.
If anyone want's that also, I will be uploading it in a little bit and will post a link when I get it.
If you don't have it, I would suggest getting Visual Studio setup for your Server. Its very helpful when scripting and finding references to code you can use.
Posting here to get verified.
Lets just hope certain person are not here. Reading all that Bull Shit on another forum is to exhausting. Soo much negativity JUST from that one person when I was looking for a little help.