You can also do something like this to get the main items to drop 3x more often than the BarbarianChiefHelm
switch (Utility.Random(40)) //a guesstimate on around 30% you could use a calculator to be more exact.
case 0: PackItem(new BarbarianGloves())...
The things your talking about is up to the person making the design decisions for whatever server uses them. Nothing about the system prevents setting up some in game lore for the way they work. If they want every weapon or just a few specific uniques to have the ability to level up, it's up to...
I always thought of them being akin to the Blackrock Sword in ultima 7. It had a demon trapped inside a crystal that gave it many special powers that made it far more powerful than the level weapons I've seen. You could talk to it and have it insta kill anything in the game, fully restore your...
To cut down on typing you can just use
AddItem(new BoneLegs() { Movable = false });
or if you wanted to hue it ect... just put a comma to change whatever else
AddItem(new BoneLegs() { Movable = false, Hue = 239, ect..... });
The grape vines in yew are part of the map. The best way to do what your wanting to do would be to unfreeze them and delete them and add in the vines with something like what is posted above in the script. This change would require you to share the client with anyone wanting to play on the server.
This is the seed box I'm currently using it works on my server not sure if it will for you or not. If it doesn't lemme know and I'll check for an older version of it.
It's in a folder inside Data so that the scripts for it knows where to access the motd for archiving while the server is running. It will create an archive folder inside the MOTD folder to store old motd's which lets players look at all of the past ones.
For the one I use inside the Data folder is a folder named MOTD and inside it is a new.txt file that you type the motd into. After it's typed up in game you import it by using the command [motd and a gump pops up and you select Archive to import it and to read it you type motd without the [
If your working with the current ServUO (or a few versions back) all of that is located in the Config folder, besides MOTD you'd need to get it from Resources at the top of the page as it isn't part of ServUO.
I only do a quest if it is required to maximize the potential of the character I'm playing. So yes if it was a stat cap reward. But for just normal artifacts or bless deeds probably not unless it was a quest to kill things I was going to be killing anyway and the quest giver was easily...
Here are the parts of my BaseXmlSpawner.cs that might be relevant:
else if (kw == valuemodKeyword.RNDLIST || kw == valuemodKeyword.RNDSTRLIST)
// generate a random number and use it as the property value...
Could be from a difference between my installation and yours but it changing 0.5 to numbers 1 to 5 is very odd.
The images below are from me using the following...
RND only works with whole numbers to do from .1 to 5.0 you would have to replace
{RNDLIST,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5, ect.....}
ect..... would be a continuation all the way up until you reach 5.0
Your operating system is most likely blocking access to it. If you have servuo inside "program files" or other system folders it will do that. It is best to have it directly on the C drive or inside a folder on the root drive to avoid this. You may also be able to run servuo as an administrator...