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  1. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Any luck @Apocalypse?
  2. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    You'll have to take the ServUO prefix off the file name
  3. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Try using this and see what happens. User: Apocalypse Pass: password Edit: plop it in the same folder with the .exe and Uo files
  4. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Did you download it onto your PC, install it, and then move the installed folder on to your server? Or did you download it onto your server, install it there, and then add the UO files? If you did the first, try the second. If you did the second, I'll need a cup of coffee. :D
  5. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    It might have to do with a registry key or something? Try installing the CED server directly to your server from their site, and then just import all of the UO files and run the setup. Edit: Yea, thats the right client version for that client number
  6. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Whats the client era map0 you're using? Edit: Pre-ML or post?
  7. m309

    UltimaXNA: How Do We Install It...??

    I couldn't get it to work with the client version that XNA comes with recommended inside the config files either. I'm in the same boat as @gametec, except with a client. Sadness for sure, because I really wanted to explore the possiblities of this.
  8. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Hrm hrm. Can you upload your cedserver.xml thats in your PEBinaries folder? Should be in the same folder as the .exe and the UO files.
  9. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    The UO files need to be inside the same folder as the .exe file, not inside a folder in the folder where the .exe is. Hopefully that clears it up. I'm in chat if it helps.
  10. m309

    CentrED+ setup Error?

    Your server is trying to open a directory as a file. Im at work and on my cell, but check out my CED+ tutorial in the tutorials section - should help.
  11. m309

    Useful IsEquipped check

    I like this, thanks Kilra!
  12. m309

    flash animation, image flash

    The easiest way to implement an image like that would be to patch it into your Gump files for the server and client. You can also create a gump with any components, or no components. A gump can consist of nothing but an image, button, html, whatever you'd like. Leaving out a background is as...
  13. m309


    Nice, Felladrin - thanks!
  14. m309

    What is ServUO's status compared to RunUO?

    Very interesting. I've never really used Razor. I'm more of a decrypted client sort of guy! Carry on! :D
  15. m309

    What is ServUO's status compared to RunUO?

    I've never seen that happen before after a save with ServUO or RunUO. It may be a shard specific issue, or very rare.
  16. m309


  17. m309

    Happy Birthday dmurphy!

    Happy happy! Have an Irish brew on me!
  18. m309

    Fraz Teleport System 1.0

    One of the most useful Resources for custom maps released in a good while. Nicely done. I'll be using this for sure.
  19. m309

    Adding Custom Wearables (clothing, armor, weapons)

    What art slot worked? Just curious.
  20. m309

    Adding Custom Wearables (clothing, armor, weapons)

    Nice work man! Congrats!

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