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  1. golfin

    EC Animations

    Rex wrote: @Prapilk where can i get a copy of UOETE ? It looks like a very helpful tool. Thank you Here: UOETE
  2. golfin

    EC Animations

    That's a very good job, great.
  3. golfin

    EC Animations

    Unfortunately, RadstaR did not provide me with more. That's all. Some programs are without source codes. I can't publish more. But it's still good. These old programs are still current and needed.
  4. golfin

    Errors unpacking the latest UO gumpart.mul
  5. golfin


    It is a pity that it was canceled in newer versions of ServUO. Therefore I use the old version of ServUO. I will not do with new power. (I don't use it for a server, but for building, as an emulator I develop a server on a sphere) - But for building with an architect it is better to run uo or...
  6. golfin

    Errors unpacking the latest UO gumpart.mul

    I don't think anyone has it. Extract of UO files can be done up to Client version 7.0.59. Roughly. Newer ones will fail. Use an older version of the UO.
  7. golfin


    ServUO/Scripts/Services It is an original toolbar from an older version of ServUO.
  8. golfin

    Animated Child NPCs

    There are two programs. But they are old. they do not have an updated Dictionary.dic file. They are: Mythic Package Editor and AnimationFrameExporter.
  9. golfin

    Animated Child NPCs

    .vd format only Classic.
  10. golfin

    Aged Gatedoor

    golfin submitted a new resource: Aged Gatedoor - aged,gate,door Read more about this resource...
  11. golfin

    Art Aged Gatedoor 2020-08-12

    Golden gate, door. Only this direction, I will not do another.
  12. golfin

    Custom Maps

    Maps of Mr. Carl Hamilton for Darkshard are located here: POL Server or here: zerodowned. They are available for free download.
  13. golfin

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam?

    Ah, bad translation. You asked: how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam? UO Steam is not a program for changing animations. Therefore, I do not understand the whole topic.
  14. golfin

    how do i replace the current unicorn animation in uosteam?

    What does an external program have in common for players exchanging animation item IDs in anim.mul files? I do not understand. After all, UO Steam cannot and does not know such changes. It's not a developer program, but it's a player's helper.
  15. golfin

    EC Animations

    You need to update the Dictionary.dic file (in the Mythic Package Editor), which contains a list of animations. But no one does it anymore, at least I don't know about anyone.
  16. golfin

    Trade-off between EasyUO and ServUO

    New versions of client UO do not use mul files. Thus, Serv UO not only ignores their existence, but the server does not know them. That's my layman's point of view. But I don't understand more about the topic on the easyuo forum. why, for example, registry changes in windows and complicate...
  17. golfin

    Its possible to get the revamped dungeons like old in latest clients?

    Ahoj, tak ne uplně jsem pochopil překlad z google translators. Ale všeobecně: Ultima Online, na jakém koliv emulátoru (ServU, RunUO, Sphere atd) je tak modikovatelná, že nejsou takřka žádné hranice. Ano, má svá specifikace, ale to se dá řešit. To uplný hardcored, to je prostě tak danné, ale s...
  18. golfin


    In the center, press Ctrl + F, Flat view will be turned off. Otherwise, you'll find it on the top bar.
  19. golfin

    Animation Questions

    No, no one ever created that.

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