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  1. AsYlum


    This may not be possible in regular client. Besides hardcoded weather effects, regular statics and effects have limitations for bigger image sizes :) So your best bet is to code some sort of a shader in CUO or similar custom client.
  2. AsYlum

    Adding new land tiles + textures problem

    That's what connects texture and land tile art. There is no magic here you need to specify it :)
  3. AsYlum

    Adding new land tiles + textures problem

    land tiles textures and tiledata I used just 0x0003 land tile and texture as a source but it looks like everything is as it should be. After saving files and replacing them in uo folder and in my centred server folder all looks ok. In this case ced# was used.
  4. AsYlum

    Adding new land tiles + textures problem

    What are you replacing with what exactly? Is there any entry in TexErr.def for indexes that you are using? How tiledata texture mapping looks like for land tile?
  5. AsYlum

    uofiddler uop files help

    What do you mean by worse? What's not working? No you shouldn't copy it to uo folder. UOFiddler is a separate application you just keep it somewhere on your hard drive and point it to your files which you want to view/update.
  6. AsYlum

    uofiddler uop files help

    Get yourself latest UOFiddler, read readme to know which runtime you need for .net 8.0 then on the right you have releases polserver/UOFiddler After you download the release zip right click and choose properties then Unblock. After that unpack the zip to some directory run it and set your uo...
  7. AsYlum

    UO Client Archive 1.0.x -

    I believe it was mirror of Grimoric's patched clients. Another instance of this is still available here: Папка из Облака Ultima Online Clients Or you can use rtp/pat patch files on uogold installation and generate your own using patch server scripts and patches from here Index of /patches
  8. AsYlum


    First prefix should be 0,1,2 or other number depending on map number so map 0 is Prefix 0 and not 0x. Second Flags value depends on file version so which client files are those? Where do you keep map files for centred? Same folder as cedserver.exe or some other path?
  9. AsYlum

    CentrED+ Install Tutorial

    Works just fine
  10. AsYlum

    Inside-UO ?

    No idea where I downloaded it. I think it's this version but I also remember I had to do some searching for c++ runtimes or something like that to make it work. I don't remember what exactly was needed.
  11. AsYlum

    Inside-UO ?

    There is old granny viewer from iris project but I have no idea if this can help
  12. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    Yes. Centred+ and ced# can read and edit uop just fine.
  13. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    Why do you even unpack map if ced+ and ced# can read and edit uop as it is? I'm not sure what uoptool is but I'd assume that probably when converting back to uop something is wrong. Yes for some time now maps in newer clients contains extra block which looks like garbage data. You can remove...
  14. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    You just typed staidx0.mul when it asked for statics0.mul and vice versa :D and for newer client you created empty map instead of poiting it to valid .uop map
  15. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    89 915 392 - map0.mul 5 505 024 - staidx0.mul 19 938 289 - statics0.mul you have messed up staidx with statics in setup :) 5MB vs 19MB See? <StaIdx>C:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic For Edit\statics0.mul</StaIdx> <Statics>C:\Games\Electronic Arts\Ultima Online Classic For...
  16. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    That's 7.0.20 files clean so it works just fine. Your files must have been modified or you are pointing ced to wrong files :) Make yourself a copy of map/statics/staidix/tiledata and radarcol files and put them in ced folder :D And for client's 7.0.24+ that use .uop map format you have to...
  17. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    is this latest ced#? Do you input any map size when starting server?
  18. AsYlum

    Could you recommend the best map editor?

    You have customized files and map is probably in ML+ size and statics are from pre-ML size. Which size do you want to have? For map editing first make a copy of needed files for ced server. It's better not to share files that you are actively modifying with the client as there will be issues...
  19. AsYlum

    Can't recover admin password

    You probably forgot salt ;) which is username so instead of hashing with sha512 just the password use username+password as input string :)
  20. AsYlum

    Add new monster animations with UOFiddler

    It's hard to say as I don't know what files are you using and what type of animation are you trying to add. UO uses 1-2048 body ids which are then split across 5 anim files and in later versions 7+ in uop files too. Each animX.mul file has a specific animation type alighnment which differs...

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