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  1. AsYlum


    Have you tried deleting ced+ client cache?
  2. AsYlum


    I never remember combination of those flags exactly hence the multiple options :) Wrong combination causes server to crash so yea that can happen.
  3. AsYlum


    It's Format, try 0x8, 0xC, 0x10 or 0x18 Setup was on old page but domain is now gone. Btw. Don't post full file as those hashes under user can be bruteforced through rainbow tables into actual password. So you can accidentally leak your password when you don't intend too.
  4. AsYlum


    depending on the client files version ML, SA, HSA+ you may need to adjust your flag in cedserver+ configuration. What is your current value?
  5. AsYlum

    Khal Ankur Animation

    UOFiddler can only read subset of uop files. Animations are not on the list.
  6. AsYlum

    Centred+ tile height problem

    do you have textures for that land tile? if tiles are flat and tiles close to yours are also on the same Z leve client uses landtile graphic but when there is Z difference it switches to render using textures. If texture is missing then you get black thing. landtiles with textures are connected...
  7. AsYlum

    Trouble acquiring older map/facet .mul files for Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenarr, and Malas

    Map is in either mapX.mul for older clients and in mapXlegacumul.uop for newer clients. If you want to load older map in newer client you have to convert mul to uop and make sure that the map has ML+ size if it's really old client map like less than v5.x then you probably have to resize map and...
  8. AsYlum


    Run server in command prompt to see the error. Without this nobody can guess what your problem is.
  9. AsYlum

    Trouble acquiring older map/facet .mul files for Trammel, Felucca, Ilshenarr, and Malas

    I think I don't understand. Do you want to load mul or uop files? what do you mean by facet? Map file or actual facet for cartography? What client are you using and what are you trying to do? Starting v7 of the client so when SA was released uop files were added as a new format for uo files. In...
  10. AsYlum


    maybe the file is still being used by something. Check your task manager is there any leftover process of cedserver maybe? The error says that it's impossible to open the file so it looks like the file is locked or missing. Also if nothing works check with previous backup of the map file and...
  11. AsYlum

    custom map and cartography

    You can use UOFiddler to import image and save it as .rle file The condition is that input bmp needs to be indexed 2 color black/white bitmap. And multimap.rle only works for cartography in older clients. For newer you have facetX.mul files that contains "embossed" map image. Source images...
  12. AsYlum

    Question Regarding CUO

    CUO is just client replacement you still need full assets from original classic client.
  13. AsYlum

    Question Regarding CUO

    what is in the folder? UOFiddler needs a path with mul or uop files.
  14. AsYlum

    Create gump tutorial?

    This thread is about gump creation not server issues. You have problem with missing tiledata because you try to use enhanced client instead of classic one. You should search the forums for setup topics or create new one. Posting in random thread won't get you far.
  15. AsYlum

    footsteps sound where is it?

    Hardcoded in the client.
  16. AsYlum

    Create gump tutorial?

    UOP in classic client (not EC) is just packet mul. You can unpack art/gumps/sounds and map using UOFiddler or GitHub - cbnolok/LegacyMULConverter-N: Convert Ultima Online Classic Client UOP files to MUL and vice versa (works on more client versions than the original version) and use that in gump...
  17. AsYlum

    Disable Paperdoll Guilds Gump, use Guildstone for New System Gump?

    It's this subcommand 0x28 of packet 0xd7 Handler for this is registered here ServUO/Server/Network/PacketHandlers.cs at pub57 · ServUO/ServUO
  18. AsYlum


    Original website is long gone. There are some copies probably but you have to look for them. You can use wayback machine to find the original setup wiki Start and server setup - CentrEd+ - Quintessence Or you can use attached configuration. user and password is: admin It will work if you...
  19. AsYlum


    Because you probably haven't started centred correctly for the first time. then when it asks for filenames just put full path to uop instead of map0.mul
  20. AsYlum


    centred can't use uop. Centred+ can load uop without problems. You have to configure the path to use uop instead of mul. It's in the xml.

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