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  1. AsYlum

    CentrED+ problem with cedserver

    <Map> <Map>map0LegacyMUL.uop</Map> <StaIdx>staidx0.mul</StaIdx> <Statics>statics0.mul</Statics> <Width>896</Width> <Height>512</Height> <Prefix>0</Prefix> <Format>0x1C</Format> </Map> <Tiledata>tiledata.mul</Tiledata> <Radarcol>radarcol.mul</Radarcol> This...
  2. AsYlum

    [ServUO] Changing a cliloc into a name.

    what is BaseDyeInfo? it looks like it's not a part of official repository code
  3. AsYlum

    Mount IDs

    Is it mount type? I don't really know any animation names in classic client :) Something described as saber-tooth is under body id 1416 Startics says it's not mountable so that's why you don't see graphic id here ;) Sabre-Toothed Tiger - Stratics Community Wiki
  4. AsYlum

    instruction videos

    There is one guy that created some videos for dealing with art stuff. I've also seen few bout centred (German but still kinda helpful if you don't know the language)
  5. AsYlum

    Mount IDs

    Here is the hardcoded list from one of the recent uo clients left is the graphic id for mount item and right is which animation will be mounted when mount item is equipped: Also available in CUO source code: ClassicUO/Item.cs at e6b3c0f8f0ee55b81222197fdd158e0d71cb74b7 · andreakarasho/ClassicUO
  6. AsYlum

    Looking for UOFiddler Sound expert to help with a problem

    Well it looks like the client itself somehow limits max sound id. But I don't know how it's doing this. Replacing sounds works just fine. But for any client version nothing can be added past it's max current sound id (for version 6.x it's 0x5D0, for v7.0.15 it's 0x669 and for more recent clients...
  7. AsYlum

    Looking for UOFiddler Sound expert to help with a problem

    If you export existing sound from uo files and import it on that slot does it work? Which version of UOFiddler are you using?
  8. AsYlum


    Well server hosting the installer files is down or something. You can't do anything about it. Maybe they will fix it or maybe it was deleted. We will have to wait or try to contact StaticZ.
  9. AsYlum

    UOFiddler Auto Closing

    I have no knowledge of Pandora but I think it was tool made years ago for runuo servers and it used mul files. You can try to unpack uop files in fiddler using UOP Packer plugin and put unpacked muls into your client directory so the Pandora can read those. As I said I've never used pandora so I...
  10. AsYlum

    UOFiddler Auto Closing

    Well anything below version 4.8 is kinda old and I'm not even sure if that is from original Fiddler site or some other source so I can't help you much with that version but you can get the latest here Releases · polserver/UOFiddler . Just looking at the screenshot it looks like your version...
  11. AsYlum

    UOFiddler Auto Closing

    Which version of UOFiddler is it?
  12. AsYlum

    Editing UOP Files with Newest Version of CentrED+

    I've had few minutes so I checked the ced+ issues and it seems to work just fine with recent client files. I'm using ced+ with version 0.7.9 that is latest from Файлы - CentrEd+ - Quintessence and my map0 setup in cedserver.xml looks like so: <Map> <Map>map0LegacyMUL.uop</Map>...
  13. AsYlum

    Blank Staidx & Statics

    Well that process is error prone and tedious. Just defrag statics in UOFiddler and you are good to go ;)
  14. AsYlum

    Another gump issue

    When you look at color picker you have to be on the left side where white/black is if you move right the color looks grey but it's not. The right grey: and the wrong one: And in uo everything that is 100% white or 100% black will be treated as transparent so you have to keep in mind that.
  15. AsYlum

    Another gump issue

    Here is example of partial hue static item but same rule applies to gumps grey parts are colored and other are ignored and left as is ;) As @Erad mentioned your eyedropped pixels probably have a bit of other color and aren't 100% greyscale :)
  16. AsYlum

    Editing UOP Files with Newest Version of CentrED+

    The problem with centred+ is that it supports uop but in some version of uop they have made changes to map files and there is extra block of data that is problematic for centred+. Which version of the client are you using?
  17. AsYlum

    error CS0120: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'DemonicSamurai.Despawn()'

    Well the error is because you are trying to call instance method .Despawn() on class DemonicSamurai inside static method. To be able to call Despawn you need class instance, an object. I think you'd be better to create regular non-static SpawnTimer class with parameters as you need and store...
  18. AsYlum

    UO Fiddler

    Well maybe on weekend I will have some time to do few tests. I haven't looked much into uop and clients after . Which client version are you using? 1613556535 Looks like in latest classic client multis in mutlicollection.uop have some additional data that is unpacked in wrong way. I...
  19. AsYlum

    UO Fiddler

    housing.bin is one of the files in multicollection.uop. You can get slightly updated mythic package editor by Pinco and extract that file from your multicollection.uop file. The file is binary definition that is in older client stored in...
  20. AsYlum

    UO Fiddler

    What was the problem?

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