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  1. Lokai


    You could post the Unicorn and Charger scripts and we could have a look.
  2. Lokai

    Help please!I think im getting attack from an IP,any way to ban?Screen inside.

    If you have a Router or Firewall, you should be able to block the IP there.
  3. Lokai

    Age Of Shadow Nostalgia

    Try running it from UOSteam. I have mixed results with Razor.
  4. Lokai

    Age Of Shadow Nostalgia

    Not sure how ServUO plays directly with older clients. If you use RunUO 1.0 and Client 4.0.4b2 you will have the latest combination that was supported by RunUO before Samurai Empire landed at version 4.0.5a. Here is a link to the Age of Shadows ISO...
  5. Lokai

    Looking for "announcer" script.

    The Save routine does that.
  6. Lokai

    Run a script at login

    Try this in place of your MOTD_Login method: private static void MOTD_Login( LoginEventArgs args ) { Mobile mobile = args.Mobile; Account account = (Account)mobile.Account; Console.WriteLine("** motd called by login **")...
  7. Lokai

    Run a script at login

    OK. Well, post your most recent version of the script. Let's have a look.
  8. Lokai

    Bank Stone

    Probably just look for the OnDoubleClick method. It will probably have something like a set of "if" statements so that dead people can't use it, and you have to be within so many tiles to use it, and it has to be in your house, and has to be locked down. Well, just take out the parts where it...
  9. Lokai

    Is there anyway to make PvP more like sphere? Is there away to make the freeze on casting disabled? On RunUO?

    Check Spell.cs. If it's at all like the current ServUO, there should be something like these methods: /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool OnCasterMoving(Direction d) { if (IsCasting && BlocksMovement && (!(m_Caster is BaseCreature) ||...
  10. Lokai

    jupiter set help please

    It looks OK. Maybe move "base.OnHit(attacker, defender)" to the bottom after your additions?
  11. Lokai

    Run a script at login

    Starting around 278, you have the login part that shows the gump commented out. If you uncomment those you should be good to go.
  12. Lokai

    Run a script at login

    I added [ CODE ] tags for you. Please make use of them. the symbol on the toolbar looks like this: </>
  13. Lokai

    Run a script at login

    Please post your script. Thanks.
  14. Lokai

    DotNet core

    As far as I know, everyone is using .Net Framework, most recent of which is 4.7.2. If you would like to experiment with .Net Core and let us know how it goes, that would be great. I am not aware of anyone else going that route at the moment. For those who are not aware, .Net Core is Microsoft's...
  15. Lokai

    jupiter set help please

    Change the OnHit method definition in Scimitar of Jupiter to this: public override void OnHit( Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender )
  16. Lokai

    Error with saved objects after custom paragon version.

    So you wiped out all BaseCreatures and you still get an error? You would not have needed to wipe all BaseCreatures if you had Serialized correctly. So, what is the error now?
  17. Lokai

    how to make my server public

    1. type "whatismyipaddress" into Google. 2. put that IP address into your Serverlist 3. Forward 2593 to your internal IP address
  18. Lokai

    Wombat, bool vs int and C#.

    There is an unsafe compiler option for .Net, but it will not allow C# to compile automatic conversion from int to bool. For those users who needed the capability to produce code that would convert int and bool, I believe the recommendation was to create an intermediary function that would handle...
  19. Lokai

    Boat Addon

    Not familiar with Addons for boats. Are you modifying BaseBoat to accept lockdowns or something? Are you accounting for them in the UpdateComponents method? You might have to post your BaseBoat before anyone will begin to even understand where the problem might reside.
  20. Lokai

    Raven Moon

    Looks nice.

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