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  1. Lokai

    [ServUO] Break (delete) on DoubleClick

    It depends on if the item you are doubleclicking is stackable or not. If it is not stackable, then this will work: this.Delete(); But if the item is stackable, then you have to decide what if someone doubleclicks a whole stack of this item? In that case you need to determine how much will be...
  2. Lokai

    Admin no longer staff on death?

    Don't make yourself mortal. Give yourself a StaffOrb, so that after you use it to become a player you can use it again to switch back to Owner. To get that character's Owner status back, you will need to log in with another character on that account, and use the Admin menu to alter the props of...
  3. Lokai

    Unable to compile core

    First, let's try something. Extract the zip to a folder like I did, C:\Ultima\ or something similar, so it's NOT in C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents or Desktop etc. So your full path would look like: C:\Ultima\ServUO-master\
  4. Lokai

    Unable to compile core

    So, not sure what you are doing with it exactly. When I download the latest build, and run the Compile.WIN - Release.bat I get this: Compile ServUO for Windows Press any key to continue . . . C:\Ultima\ServUO-master.7-24-20201>dotnet build -c Release Welcome to .NET 5.0...
  5. Lokai

    Unable to compile core

    Are you using the latest ServUO source code? If so, are you using a different batch file to compile? Because the latest code does not have a batch file that looks like that.
  6. Lokai

    Unbeatable AI?

    I came across an interesting monster - not unbeatable, but had a clever mechanism that made it much harder than most. It was mounted, and could pursue at very high speed. I think it also had a very broad range and long range of perception. This made it difficult for my typical Archer's hit and...
  7. Lokai

    Random target

    Try something like this instead of foreach: Mobile randomTarget = eable.RandomElementUsing<Mobile>(new Random()) This is untested, but the theory is sound.
  8. Lokai

    OWLTR 4.0 for ServUO Pub 54

    Those errors have nothing to do with removing the extra } from when the system was first published. The errors you are getting are due to either a compatibility issue between your current ServUO version and this system, or due to a failure to merge the files correctly. Possibly a combination of...
  9. Lokai

    Cant point my finger on crash issue

    Try changing the OnHit method as follows: public static void OnHit(Mobile attacker, IDamageable defender) { BaseCreature check = (BaseCreature)SummonFamiliarSpell.Table[attacker]; if (check != null && check is BaseFamiliar && check.Weapon != null &&...
  10. Lokai


    There are several articles written about it. Basically, it's a first in, first out thing. When you Serialize, you write the variables to save them in a particular order: writer.Write (2); // This is the version number. Perhaps we just changed this from 1 to 2. You will see why shortly //...
  11. Lokai

    Months old issue, help please!

    Did you upgrade from another version to version 57? Did you change any other High Seas scripts?
  12. Lokai

    Months old issue, help please!

    That should be impossible. What if you delete that boat, deploy a new one, save, restart, and try again to dry dock the boat?
  13. Lokai

    Months old issue, help please!

    But what is appearing in the Console when that is happening?
  14. Lokai

    Months old issue, help please!

    I was not able to duplicate this issue using the same scripts (pub 57) and I tried using the DockMaster to drydock the ship, and also the Pilot. I also tried restarting the world with the boat drydocked, and with the boat out on the water, and both times I was able to drydock it again without a...
  15. Lokai

    Pet Leash

    You will need to put the code for uses into the Shrink function rather than in the Leash, otherwise it will consume charges even if they are not successful. Post your Shrink function script.
  16. Lokai

    Looking for UOFiddler Sound expert to help with a problem

    This is not precisely true. I was unable to play a sound I had imported even though I had inserted it into an empty spot within the range of current sounds. I did NOT however try replacing an existing sound.
  17. Lokai

    Looking for UOFiddler Sound expert to help with a problem

    This was a good suggestion. When I exported a sound and imported it back directly into a free slot, it does not play at all either. I am using 4.9.7
  18. Lokai

    Looking for UOFiddler Sound expert to help with a problem

    Hello ServUO, Been working in Fiddler, getting items, gumps, animations, tiledata, etc. all working in my Client and Server environment. However, I have run into a snag getting Sound to work. I have UOFiddler importing sound into the next available slots, at 0x684 (1668) and 0x685 (1669) and...
  19. Lokai

    Problem with 'OnTarget' and 'MoveToWorld'

    Try this: protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted ) { if ( !from.CanSee( targeted ) ) { from.SendLocalizedMessage( 500237 ); // Target can not be seen. return...
  20. Lokai

    VNC updated for ServUO pub58

    This is confirmed working for pub 58 of ServUO (the latest repo.) How to install: Step 1: unzip - if you are not using a clean install note the files that are changed in the next step - you might need to merge if you have made manual changes. Step 2: unzip VNC-for-pub58 -...

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