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  1. Lokai

    Xanthos help

    Try this one. You had a space in the name of the class, which is not allowed. Also, you were missing a brace near the end of the file.
  2. Lokai

    Xanthos help

    I added code tags to make it readable. Line 143, you need to make that the same case as the rest of the file, so it should probably be evospiderStageFive not evospiderstagefive.
  3. Lokai

    Xanthos help

    You can post your code too. Just attach your file so we can see what you tried to do. Thanks.
  4. Lokai

    Wanna Make Use Of Those Unused Foot Step Sounds

    I added code tags for you.
  5. Lokai

    Prevent use item under guards?

    Or give a nice message: if (from.Region is GuardedRegion) { from.SendMessage("This cannot be used in a Guarded Region."); return; }
  6. Lokai

    Prevent use item under guards?

    You can modify the "OnDoubleClick" method so that it checks to see what type of region they are in. If you have defined OnDoubleClick already, then just add the "if" portion at the top of your method. public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from) { if...
  7. Lokai

    Xanthos help

    Your question is answered at the top of your post. YourClass is what you call your copy of the Hiryu or Dragon, but you don't actually name it "YourClass", you name it whatever name you want. The instructions call it "YourClass" so they can refer to whatever it is you called it.
  8. Lokai

    Animal Trainer Lord Error

    Use MinTameSkill instead of m_dMinTameSkill
  9. Lokai

    Thoughts on Haven

    If someone says they are stuck, it waits a minute or so, then presents a list of cities for them to choose to spawn in. You would want to just remove the choices and have them spawn in Haven if they use the stuck menu option in Trammel.
  10. Lokai

    Thoughts on Haven

    While walking around the island, using "[where" every so often, in and out of town, along the coast, and in the old zombie-infested town, I notice that it says " - Haven Island" at the end always until I go off shore a few feet. I am guessing you could make use of that to prevent people from...
  11. Lokai

    ServUO - Item Insurance Removal

    Take out the context menu entry in PlayerMobile for ToggleInsurance. Not sure if there is any other way to insure items. ;)
  12. Lokai

    ServUO - Weapon Damage Types

    Have you looked through Loot.cs and Lootpack.cs? They are in the Misc folder I think.
  13. Lokai

    ServUO- Pet Damage cap for PVP

    Here is your new OnDamage. The "40" you replace with whatever you want to cap damage at. public override void OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill) { int PET_DAMAGE_CAP = 40; if (from is BaseCreature &&...
  14. Lokai

    ServUO- Pet Damage cap for PVP

    PlayerMobile, around line 3579, find OnDamage(int amount, Mobile from, bool willKill) In there, you can add a check to see if "from" is a BaseCreature, and if it is Controlled (ie. it's a pet) then adjust the amount to return to base.OnDamage at the end.
  15. Lokai

    Ship scripts

    The OrcishGalleon and GargishGalleon are in the stock ServUO scripts here:
  16. Lokai

    ServUO - Weapon Damage Types

    In baseweapon, around line 3632, it shows where the damage offset is applied. In line 3691 there is a weapon bonus again using those modifiers. I am pretty sure you can simply remove the offending lines and rewrite it to use another method or flat bonus.
  17. Lokai

    Master Runebook by Lokai

    Please post a crash log file, and we might be able to get it fixed. Thanks! Again, sorry I have not had time to test this. I am not even sure where it came from.
  18. Lokai

    advice please?

    Check the bank balance. Maybe it's being direct-deposited.
  19. Lokai

    Master Runebook by Lokai

    Thanks for this. I found it but did not get a chance to test it or update it. FYI: if memory serves (and that is under serious doubt) there may have been an issue at one point with many Internal Items generated by this system. It uses Internal Items to store the runebooks as part of the master...
  20. Lokai

    StaffAtlas, adding pages

    I made one of those way back on RunUO perhaps 10-15 years ago, so no clue if it would work on a current server. Anyway, I could probably rewrite it for the modern server, assuming I can find it again. (I have learned much better coding techniques since then.) As to the Staff Runebook, I think...

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