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  1. The_Real_Jeff

    Launcher ConnectUO Desktop 2015-07-02

    This is ConnectUO Desktop from back in the day. Just posting it here so people can share in my terrible terrible terrible coding style from when I first started programming. Enjoy ;) For reference I posted screenshots here
  2. The_Real_Jeff

    RunUO GDK (historical reference, not maintained)

    The_Real_Jeff submitted a new resource: RunUO GDK (historical reference, not maintained) - RunUO Gump Development Kit Read more about this resource...
  3. The_Real_Jeff

    Misc RunUO GDK (historical reference, not maintained) 2015-07-02

    This is the RunUO GDK I was making way back in the day. It was faster, better and easier to use in every way over any other tool available at the time. I spent a lot of time on the GDI rendering of gumps so that it doesn't slow down when you add 100+ items to a gump... I was very proud of...
  4. The_Real_Jeff

    Creating an assistant

    That's the one I maintained for a long time. I don't know of one more up to date then that personally, but I'm sure there are. I switched over to making OpenUO in 2012. I would see about fixing whatever is wrong, maybe look at the errors, post them here, with some source and maybe we can help.
  5. The_Real_Jeff

    Creating an assistant

    Where did you get the UltimaSDK from, cause there's like 50 of them, haha. When you paste the error to the forum, you should include the file that the error occurred in. However, Array doesn't have Count, it has Length. Changes are whatever its pointing to is old, or was modified by Zippy...
  6. The_Real_Jeff

    How can I edit an addon?

    Oh i see. There is no such thing that I know of. You would have to create it all again and then generate from scratch. Hopefully someone else has a better answer. Sorry.
  7. The_Real_Jeff

    How can I edit an addon?
  8. The_Real_Jeff

    Creating an assistant

    I actually have a 100% C# implementation of Razor in my coding archive somewhere. Maybe I can open source it so you don't have to use C++ ;) It uses EasyHook and namedpipes to transfer data from the injection module to the client handling what to do with packets...
  9. The_Real_Jeff

    Creating an assistant

    Ya, i was thinking of making it a client extension if possible. Make it so you could make a more feature rich client. I dunno, just ideas being tossed around in my head at the moment. Thats for JSON serialization and deserializaiton. You should learn how to use NUGET, its built into Visual...
  10. The_Real_Jeff

    Creating an assistant

    FYI: It is the latest version. I had been discussing something with Voxpire over the last couple days and was thinking of looking into making something similar. Only rather than having a form with tons of options like Razor, UOSteam, AssistUO have, I was thinking of doing something more like...
  11. The_Real_Jeff

    Custom region crashing when entering.

    Without a crashlog, only thing i can tell you is acct.GetTag("BGYQuestComplete") might not be set, which could be returning "", Convert.ToBoolean only accepts "True" or "False", so you could be having a crash because of this... but we really need a crash log to be sure.
  12. The_Real_Jeff

    Custom region crashing when entering.

    Crashlog would be helpful :)
  13. The_Real_Jeff

    Ethics System?

    Nah it has to do with Hero/Evil in factions.
  14. The_Real_Jeff

    Multis Displayed In Gumps?

  15. The_Real_Jeff

    Help with understanding crash report.

    Here's something to get you started. I added a Persistence item that stores the deaths. Its a single instance item, it will add itself if it doesnt exist, and wont add itself again unless its deleted. It shouldn't be easy to deleted since its not an actual item that exists in the world in a...
  16. The_Real_Jeff

    Help with understanding crash report.

    You should just serialize the data, rather than write a text file that you read and parse all the time. Instead you should save and load with the server, and keep the last 100 in memory. File access is a taxing process, and since RunUO is single threaded, this can cause things to slow down...
  17. The_Real_Jeff

    Help with understanding crash report.

    Just FYI, Same bug would happen if someone did the [obituary command with an empty file
  18. The_Real_Jeff

    Help with understanding crash report.

    at Server.Announce.OnDeath(PlayerDeathEventArgs args)in c:\Users\Forest\Desktop\Ultima Online\Scripts\Custom\Items\Obituary Board.cs:line 46 This tells you what line, line 46 Line 46: deathToll = deathToll.ToString(); deathToll is null, so because of this it cannot call ToString. I'm...
  19. The_Real_Jeff

    Visual Studio Code

    The_Real_Jeff submitted a new resource: Visual Studio Code - visual studio code Read more about this resource...
  20. The_Real_Jeff

    Misc Visual Studio Code 2015-06-22

    Microsoft released a cross platform code editor that is incredible, yet still lightweight. Provides intellisense, uses Roslyn compiler, works with multiple languages. It's based off another very well known open source platform called atom (found here Just...

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