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  1. The_Real_Jeff

    Semi new here

    Artist is relative term. It doesn't require a sculpture, or a painting. I would say transforming the ServUO code to paint a more appropriate picture of your vision as to what UO should be is an artistic form in itself ;)
  2. The_Real_Jeff

    Semi new here

    I think that falls under the "Misery breeds creativity" category of describing amazing artists :)
  3. The_Real_Jeff

    UtcTime and not TimeNow?

    Ah so it is a RunUO/ServUO specific thing, gotcha.
  4. The_Real_Jeff

    UtcTime and not TimeNow?

    Do you mean this in the context of ServUO/RunUO, or .Net in general? Reason I ask is they both exist in .Net and for different reasons, "DateTime.UtcNow" did not replace "DateTime.Now" in the context of .Net.
  5. The_Real_Jeff

    problem with custom map

    My guess is that the size of the map you are using isnt the right size for the map your are replacing. If I remember correctly, maps have to be a specifc size, since they are hard coded into the client.
  6. The_Real_Jeff

    Core error i think

    public void Check() { if (!this.LinkedMobile.Deleted || this.LinkedMobile != null) This if check should probably check for null first and(not or) check if its not deleted would be my guess, but I didn't write the system. You could change it to the following (code is in Scripts/Custom...
  7. The_Real_Jeff


    Unfortunately expansions don't do a lot for a game that's over 15 years old. Especially with dated graphics and run by a company that no longer holds to what "Ultima" was and use to be. Nearly everything about the "Ultima" genre is gone from the current edition of Ultima Online. The way items...
  8. The_Real_Jeff


    The problem was always Ryan, I think everyone except Zippy took off because of him in someway or another. Ryan forked over the money to keep the operation going, so without him, more work would have been done to support the upkeep of the websites/servers/repos/etc. So i really dont know how...
  9. The_Real_Jeff


    I did start a new version of ConnectUO, but had a falling out with Ryan McAdams, so I stopped working on it and just open sourced it.
  10. The_Real_Jeff


    After writing this I noticed a thread that mentioned gump studio may not be working now a days... Is this true? Perhaps a good reason to release what I have so someone can pick it up and make something to replace it.
  11. The_Real_Jeff


    So, I was bored as hell looking through all the old code I've written over the years when I came across a few gems that I thought some of your (probably not many, but hopefully a few) would remember... ConnectUO Desktop This was version 1.5 of ConnectUO, worked like the old Google Desktop, was...
  12. The_Real_Jeff

    Pandora's Box & Win8.1

    None of this was required for me. Works fine without it. :)
  13. The_Real_Jeff

    Pandora's Box & Win8.1

    Works for me on Windows 8.1, but you have to Right click the icon and click Run as Adminsitrator. Posting the error might help, if thats not the issue.
  14. The_Real_Jeff

    Pandora's Box & Win8.1

    Try this:
  15. The_Real_Jeff

    XML Spawner Beginner Video

    No worries, I just thought it was some new type of Xml Spawner Beggar NPC before I clicked on the thread to read more about it. :) "The Begginer!" just expected a quest or something haha...
  16. The_Real_Jeff

    XML Spawner Beginner Video

    Beginner :)
  17. The_Real_Jeff

    Achievement System

    I've just noticed ;)
  18. The_Real_Jeff

    Achievement System

    Wasn't saying its not possible without distro edits. But there are some big obvious achievements where distro/core edits are needed. OnKilledBy on eventsink, thats not stock RunUO and I wasnt aware ServUO had it. I suppose ServUO might have a lot of core edits that make this possible which is...
  19. The_Real_Jeff

    Achievement System

    The hard part about sharing an achievement system would be making it easy to install. Achievements can happen all through-out the scripts, so making a system that doesn't require editing of core/script scripts, is pretty much near impossible. This makes supporting a shared Achievement system...
  20. The_Real_Jeff

    Added a item with specific properties inside a bad?

    On a quick look, I think you can do item.ArmorAttributes.LowerStatReq = 50 But I havent tried it, just looking at the code ;)

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