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  1. MrRiots

    Personal Bless Deed Property now showing

    Gotcha, tried that before posting. Nor displaying blessed by sadly
  2. MrRiots

    Personal Bless Deed Property now showing

    Thanks! This part gives me an error tho: public override void AddBlessedForProperty(ObjectPropertyList list) { // do nothing } No suitiable method found to override.
  3. MrRiots

    Personal Bless Deed Property now showing

    Hi! So I have an issue with the Personal Bless Deeds not adding a tag (Blessed by) on the items. Which seems confusing. [Constructable] public PersonalBlessDeed(Mobile owner) : base(0x14F0) { Weight = 1.0; LootType =...
  4. MrRiots

    Problem with Mysticism not adding to my character

    So I got a very simple skillball, Everything seems to work fine, except Mysticism. You can choose it but it will not add to your skillslist Script: public class SkilllimPickGump2 : Gump { private int switches = 7; private SkillBall2 m_SkillBall2; private double...
  5. MrRiots

    Removing the need for Spellweaving Quest

    How would I remove the need for spellweaving quest? I found this in the PlayerMobile.cs Spellweaving = 0x00040000, [CommandProperty(AccessLevel.GameMaster)] public bool Spellweaving { get { return GetFlag(PlayerFlag.Spellweaving); } set { SetFlag(PlayerFlag.Spellweaving, value); }...
  6. MrRiots

    Custom Housing, greyed out.

    Thank you for replying! I tried this with no luck: HousingAOS = AOS, HousingSE = HousingAOS | SE, HousingML = HousingSE | ML | Crystal | TOL, HousingSA = HousingML | SA | Gothic | Rustic | TOL, HousingHS = HousingSA | HS | TOL, HousingTOL =...
  7. MrRiots

    Custom Housing, greyed out.

    Hi! I run the latest Repo, But I have removed Gargoyles from the server. Now, I cannot use the latest Customized Housing Options, its all greyed out But in the script it looks like this: [Flags] public enum HousingFlags { None = 0x0, AOS = 0x10, SE = 0x40...
  8. MrRiots

    [ServUO] [Latest Repo] Adding Pigment as Loot

    Hello ! I would like to add pigments to the lootpack. I have made my own, But I do not for the world understand how I can add them to the lootpack :p So Basically the Definition, the table that decides the colors look like this right? private static PigmentInfo[] m_Table = new PigmentInfo[]...

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