
I am trying to add quests that use the ML Quest setup but when i did it stated "Unknown quest Type". I have looked through the code and I can't figure out how to add it.

I dont want to use XML.

What am I missing to add quest to use the MLQuestSystem?
Gizmo has a quest creation software on the forums here. It's not 100% done, but after you tinker with it, it can make some nice quests. I have used his ever since the original he wrote on RunUO. The guy also had a badass pvp tournament system too. Great dude. Search for UoDev.. I believe that was what he called it.. It uses the ML system and makes writing quests fast.
I figured it out and found my issues with it to get it to work. I am using RunUO. Honestly what I did is had to redo the whole MLQuest into a combined one with the Old System, the reason I did this is cause the server I am working with is using their own custom RunUO and they did not have anything added past some of the T2A things. So transcribing it from ServUO and RunUO (ML time) to older server requires some tweeking.

The issue with running ML Quests was you use a Config and you have to enter it a certain way. What it looks for is <QUEST NAME> and you hit TAB then type the <NPC NAME> . It allows the NPC to spawn and it recognizes it. The main thing I am not liking I cant do "Talk to this npc" without giving the player an item. Which so far isnt a huge deal.

Thank you

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