
ServUO Version
Publish Unknown
Ultima Expansion
Hey all! Brand new to actually trying to set up a solo server. I Installed servUO-master... ran the 2 compliers and changed server name in the config instructions say to run servUO.exe but I see no executable in any of the file structures....very very new to this with no coding or tech experience...basically just looking to make a solo server to experience some of the good ol days in UO...not looking to do anything fancy...looking for someone to maybe do a more "really really dumb guy" walkthrough who might have a few min to walk me through this, maybe via discord or something! Thank you! ....would like all the possible expansions availabnle outside of that not looking to be too specialized
You need to compile the exe, double-click the Compile.WIN - Release.bat file to do so.

I would recommend grabbing a copy of the pub58-wip branch on the github page, the master branch is currently unstable.
Thank you for the reply... I Click on that ... it brings up the command any key twice and says success and goes away...takes like 2 seconds. Still nothing changed no loader or EXE anywhere...I may be biting off mnore than I can chew with this whole process. Amazing wqork here thought! looks like so many people have been able to build some amazing shards!

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