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Ultima Expansion
Ok so I can see the Solen caves on my map in fiddler but in the client in game its not there all is just grass when i go there in game. Is here a command to generate this or do I have to do something to get this to show up or something? I think I had to do something before to get this to work before been so long when I had this issue before can't remember how I got it to show up like the old Minax base for factions or something.
Ok so I can see the Solen caves on my map in fiddler but in the client in game its not there all is just grass when i go there in game. Is here a command to generate this or do I have to do something to get this to show up or something? I think I had to do something before to get this to work before been so long when I had this issue before can't remember how I got it to show up like the old Minax base for factions or something.
How are you getting there? The solen hives are surrounded by green grassy area called green acres.


When you say you go there, do you mean the entrance? or the caves themselves? and, last question, is this a new server? and have you used [createworld
I am on a runuo server and a custom map that has the solen caves on it I do believe its part of the statics.mul file. so create world wont work. I guess i should have put that in details my bad.
I am on a runuo server and a custom map that has the solen caves on it I do believe its part of the statics.mul file. so create world wont work. I guess i should have put that in details my bad.
If its a custom map, Im guessing you will need to setup entrances with teleporters, and respawn the dungeon.
Yes im sure I know how to navigate the map lol. I actually moved the teleporters because the locations were weird because of the custom map I know how to change things on custoim maps been working on this since 2003 just cant remember how to get the solen map static to work. I think its in one of the stadif0.mul, stadifl0.mul files or staidx0.mul, staidx0x.mul, statics0.mul, statics0x.mul its in one of those files i think lol
anyone? its the same thing with the old minax base it shows up on the fiddler map but isnt ingame.
Think it has to do with mapdif0.mul and mapdifl0.mul and statics.
I would also like to get rid of the minax base lol off of there it overshadows my map its not in the game but its in fiddler so doesnt effect game play but is annoying in fiddler lol
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