(continuation from post: https://www.servuo.com/threads/ubuntu-net-4-8-errors.15607/)


So after setting up properly and using the right commands, I was able to "fix" this previous situation and.. another came! :)

I joined a screenshot with all details of the error I receive on `make` and `Mono ServUO.exe`.

Scripts: Compiling C# scripts...Error:
System.Exception: Compiler failed to produce the assembly. Output: ''

- Ubuntu 22.04, freshly installed and updated,
- Mono
- dotnet 6 and 7 (I don't find 5)

Something strange : I had to install `make`. It wasn't there after installing mono and dotnet, which I don't remember I had to do when I use Linux before.

It seems happening a lot, but all I found was incomplete; no solution. I don't understand where this error comes from, at first, so it doesn't help fixing it. Ultima and Server seems compiled but failing when ServUO.exe is launched and compiling the scripts.

Logically, it comes from something in my `/Scripts` or `/Config` folder, but the Assemblies.cfg file is in `Data/` so I wonder if the error comes from this file.

Any input will be appreciated!

Have a good day! :)


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