
Just thought I would post how to change certain scripts and where
Please everyone can add to this which will help other's just starting out :)
If I have posted anything which does not seem right let me know!

How to add items to all player's packpack
[online addtopack apple set itemid 123 hue 456 name "Chocolate bunny" where playermobile
this code shows how to add a normal item but have a different ID

If you have a script item which you would like to use
[online addtopack superdragonarmor name "Surprise" where playermobile
[online addtopack cake hue 302 name "Special Cake" where playermobile

How to add leaves in Felucca

Scripts/Misc Folder open the MapDefinitions.cs

RegisterMap( 0, 0, 0, 7168, 4096, 4, "Felucca",MapRules.FeluccaRules );
RegisterMap( 1, 1, 1, 7168, 4096, 0, "Trammel",MapRules.TrammelRules );
RegisterMap( 2, 2, 2, 2304, 1600, 1, "Ilshenar", MapRules.TrammelRules );

Change the zero's to match the same as the 1's for Trammel
How to Change Max Skills Cap

Go to Scripts\Misc\charactercreation.cs

Around line 614 you will find a code that looks like this
newChar.Hunger = 20;
After that line add this

newChar.Skills.Cap = (number you want skill cap to be);
it should look something like this

newChar.Hunger = 20;
newChar.Skills.Cap = 100000;
Remember to always add an extra 0 at the end of the number you want skills to be set at. if you want skills to be set at 500 then you need to type 5000.
If you only type 500 then your players max skill cap will be 50.

For chars which were created before this change---type [global set SkillsCap "skill cap number" where playermobile (adding a extra 0 to the number so set skill cap level )
How to set Stat Cap

Find: newChar.Hunger = 20;

And add below it:
newChar.StatCap = 330;

Now every new character created will have statcap 330.

And to make this change on the characters created before, just login the game with an admin account and type:
[global set statcap 330 where playermobile
How To Open Online Browser
(This will open a gump for online players- if you would like to use a vote site or any site for information.
[online open browser

[GenerateFactions will generate factions in fel



[Decorate --Generates world decoration( you can also use the [admin gump for doors and signs

Spawn the deep use command--- [GenExploringTheDeep


Conf Folder -Open ServUO Folder- you will then see Config
You will see many cfg here- where you can make changes for your server
Account.cfg- change the amount of accounts
Housing.cfg -change the amount of houses per ip
plus much more

This has great reviews which will spawn the whole world

Information for the new banking system
It's in line with OSI publish 90/91 - Time of Legends virtual account gold.

All gold is now bound to your Account and can be accessed by all characters on your account.

Trading gold has been updated in that you can now type an amount of gold directly in to the trade gump.
Because of this new feature, bank checks became redundant for transferring large amounts of gold.
You can still withdraw stacks of gold coins from your gold account, say "withdraw 50000".

Basically, Banker.Withdraw, Banker.GetBalance, etc, now checks Account.TotalCurrency instead of looking for physical Gold and BankCheck items in your bank box.

There are options enabled in CurrentExpansion.cs which allows the server to automatically delete and convert Gold and BankChecks dropped in to the BankBox (that's why they vanish).

If you say "balance" to a banker, they should tell you the correct amount, including the gold that's "vanished" :D

Also 1 billion gold == 1 platinum.

I used the Gold Ledger on my shard too, but with the new ToL account gold changes, it became redundant, so I've made it that when people d-click their Ledger, it deletes and credits their account. Things like Gold Sweeping were then replaced with an OnMovement override in Gold.cs instead.

You can completely disable the features individually in CurrentExpansion.cs
If you lost the Staff Runebook or maybe something is suddenly missing in it just use
[staffrunebookreset to return your staff runebook.
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what is the typical setting for stat caps?
Once you set it to ####, even if the players use stat balls, or whatever to raise them permanently, they can't go higher than ####?
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what is the typical setting for stat caps?
Once you set it to ####, even if the players use stat balls, or whatever to raise them permanently, they can't go higher than ####?

Stat caps can be exceeded manually or by a script. They will not NATURALLY go over the stat cap by gains.
I will try to update this more later, with some basic starting server commands, as how to spawn, create new account, decorate the world, spawn the world- everyone is welcome to help post any commands for the person just starting their first server, how to get factions working and champs.
UPDATED Above :)
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i have a prob with changing the skillcap... in the script charaktercreation i changed it to 9000...but new chars have only 8000 .... if i set it up per global set SkillsCap after a restart of the client he have again 8000 not 9000...

what i have to do, for making this changes permanently?????
Where do I find the command files that tell [createworld to work. I seem to have a bunch of "Argument Exeception InValad Map Name on line XXXX".
These are mostly at the "[TelGen" command. and locks up the client and shard when run.
Also locks up "[Decorate".
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How to Change Max Skills Cap

Go to Scripts\Misc\charactercreation.cs

Around line 614 you will find a code that looks like this
newChar.Hunger = 20;
After that line add this

newChar.Skills.Cap = (number you want skill cap to be);
it should look something like this

newChar.Hunger = 20;
newChar.Skills.Cap = 100000;
Remember to always add an extra 0 at the end of the number you want skills to be set at. if you want skills to be set at 500 then you need to type 5000.
If you only type 500 then your players max skill cap will be 50.

this is perfect! thank you very much but how do I set the individual skill cap? by default it is 100.0 but say I want to make it 125.0 or 90.0 how do I make that change?

thank you
this is perfect! thank you very much but how do I set the individual skill cap? by default it is 100.0 but say I want to make it 125.0 or 90.0 how do I make that change?

thank you

Take a look at Config\PlayerCaps.cfg
You should find what you are looking for there.
Take a look at Config\PlayerCaps.cfg
You should find what you are looking for there.

I have modified this file to what I wanted but I have 2 issues going on. one for some reason new chars are not receiving this modification and two how can I change existing chars? is there maybe somewhere else this could be being set that is overriding it? I have starting combing through all of the scripts that makes sense that maybe they might but no luck so far.
I have modified this file to what I wanted but I have 2 issues going on. one for some reason new chars are not receiving this modification and two how can I change existing chars? is there maybe somewhere else this could be being set that is overriding it? I have starting combing through all of the scripts that makes sense that maybe they might but no luck so far.

For existing characters you can go in game and use the following command. Please note I believe this command can only be used to raise caps, not lower them, someone else may be able to clarify that.

[global set skillscap xxxx where playermobile

This should update all existing characters, simply replace xxxxx with what you want your skillscap to be and remember the extra 0.
For example 9000 will set a skillcap of 900.

Or you can try this using this script
For existing characters you can go in game and use the following command. Please note I believe this command can only be used to raise caps, not lower them, someone else may be able to clarify that.

[global set skillscap xxxx where playermobile

This should update all existing characters, simply replace xxxxx with what you want your skillscap to be and remember the extra 0.
For example 9000 will set a skillcap of 900.

yes this works fine for the total skill cap but the individual caps stay the same.
yes this works fine for the total skill cap but the individual caps stay the same.

Ah ok, I missed that you were looking to do this for individual skill caps. Unfortunately I'm also at a loss and I'm not sure what to suggest. Give it some time and someone more experienced will probably jump in.
Sorry I couldn't help you out further.
I know that individual skill caps are stored in an array. I'm not really sure how to access them from props, but look at power scrolls. If the existing set or setskill commands won't work, you might have to make a new command.
The new update has changed, and I am unable to make players have infinity skill cap.

Line 194

double skillcap = Config.Get("PlayerCaps.SkillCap", 1000.0d) / 10;
if (skillcap != 100.0)

On the latest update it is in line 194, but the older one is line 614.

I've change it to this, and it doesn't work.

double skillcap = Config.Get("PlayerCaps.SkillCap", 100000.0d) / 100;
if (skillcap != 100.0)
This was extremely helpful!! In the new there a command to see how much gold a player hold in there bank?
When in game, type [HelpInfo for a menu of commands grouped by access level
Can someone please help me. In game I type [setallskills to 100
All my skills level up to 100, but when I enter a city or teleport to a new area they go back to 0. How do I fix this issue please?
how do i change server time to be my time?
Changing the Time Zone by Creating a Symlink

If you are running an older Linux distribution and the timedatectl utility is not present on your system, you can change the timezone by symlinking /etc/localtime to the time zone in the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory.

Remove the current symlink or file: - sudo rm -rf /etc/localtime

Identify the timezone you want to configure and create a symlink - sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime

Verify it either by listing the /etc/localtime file or invoking the date command - date
To move player houses

[area interface

Target two opposing house corners and pull up the properties menu of the house, find "House Foundation" on first gump. You can simply chose "move to target" and it will move the entire contents. If the house is empty you can open the house foundation's properties menu and adjust the x, y.z. I find the second method easier for small ajustments.

How to change your port # (normally 2593).

Find your SocketOptions.cs file, typically this is under Scripts\Misc, and you'll need to change the 2593 to another number on line 12:

new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2593), // Default: Listen on port 2593 on all IP addresses
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To move player houses

[area interface

Target two opposing house corners and pull up the properties menu of the house, find "House Foundation" on first gump. You can simply chose "move to target" and it will move the entire contents. If the house is empty you can open the house foundation's properties menu and adjust the x, y.z. I find the second method easier for small ajustments.

How to change your port # (normally 2593).

Find your SocketOptions.cs file, typically this is under Scripts\Misc, and you'll need to change the 2593 to another number on line 12:

new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 2593), // Default: Listen on port 2593 on all IP addresses
Look in the config folder for Server.cfg near the bottom find this
# of Address to your public IP address
# manually to allow clients outside of your LAN to connect to your server.
# Address can be either an IP address or a hostname that will be resolved
# when ServUO starts.
# If you want players outside your LAN to be able to connect to your server
# and you are behind a router,
# you must also forward TCP port 2593 to your private IP address.
# The procedure for doing this varies by manufacturer but generally involves
# configuration of the router through your web browser.

# The Port to bind the Listener to.
# Default: 2593
and change it to your port your wanting to use .

I run 3 differant servers a 54 , 57 , and test box on a single machine and just set razor to the port number of the one I want to play on .
It works fine the grand's did not want to lose their houses and junk an I'm to lazy to update 54 .

Active Shards


Total amount