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Custom Abilities for your monsters 3.0

Custom Abilities 3.0:
The main focus of this update was to make it easier for admins to add these Custom Abilities to their creatures and to change the way that manipulated and saved on the server.
Now, it should be much less of a hassle to create new creatures with these skills.

Implementation changes:
AbilityCreature and AbilityMount have been added as extensions to the BaseCreature class.
This allows everyone to more easily add CustomAbilities to your creatures.
You no longer need to mess with teh OnThink() method in order to make the abilities work.

WARNING: remove all current instances of your spawned creatures before changing them to AbilityCreatures.
If you do not, the server will force you to delete each individual mob and then cause a one time fatal error. It's not world-ending, but it is annoying.

New Abilities:

Fear: Pets flee in terror and players are frozen in fear!

Summon Minion: The creature summons an ally to help them in combat!
the look, sound, and effects of the summoned minion can be customized.

Forked Flame Strike: Sends out a three pronged attack of cascading flamestrikes!
Has the typical elemental 'Type' options of all FlameStrike abilities.

Snare: Sends out a projectiile that holds the target in place!
The projectiile, sound, and image ID that appears on the target can be customized.
By default, Snare traps the player in a giant spider web.

Bug fixes and edits:

-Firebolt, Geyser, and all FlameStrike variations:
All abilities with a 'Type' option now include the 'Blood' Type.
the Blood Type has deep red hued effects with 100% physical damage.

-Flame Strike Cone and Flame Strike Line:
Tamed creatures no long damage themselves and other pets while using these abilities.

-Heal Allies:
Now can be used outside of combat.

-Ice Prison:
Added the ItemID, Hue, and sound properties.

Added the ItemID, Hue, and sound properties.

-Impale Aoe:
Added the ItemID, and Hue Properties.

-Flame Burst
Added the Hue property.

Now has the elmental 'Type' option like Firebolt and the FlameStrike abilities.
the options include: fire, ice, poison, energy, water, snow, necrotic, holy, and blood.
Custom Abilities 2.0:

So I've updated my Custom Abilities for monsters by adding a bunch of cool new abilities for your creatures to use as well as doing some slight editing and fixing of old abilities.

New Abilities:
Flame Strike Line - Sends out cascading flames in a direct line toward the target. All enemies in the way get damaged.
Barrage Of Bolts - sends a flurry of firebolts at a target. Any enemy caught in the location gets damaged.
Flame Strike Cone - Creates a massive cone of fire in front of the creature that damages all nearby enemies.
Grapple - The creature pulls the target towards them.
Throw Explosives - The creature throws a small explosive that hits the target and leaves a small fire behind.
Throw Timed Explosives - The creature throws an explosive barrel at the target that detonates after a short time and damages all nearby targets.
Heal Allies - Heals nearby allies.
Flame Burst Aoe - Creates a large area of effect blast at the creature's location and leaves behind flames in the blast zone.
Raging Tempest - Creates a prolonged thunderstorm in an area by the target.
Blizzard - Creates a massive storm at the creature's location.

Edits / Fixes:
Toxic Rain: Tamed creatures will now use this on enemy creatures and the acid pools will no longer damage players when it's used by tamed creatures.
Walking Bomb: Has more pronounced visual explosion and leaves flames on the gound in the area.
Thunderstorm: No longer strikes allies. Non-tamed creatures using this ability will only strike players and pets, while tamed creatures will strike enemy NPCs.
Meteor Shower: increased the default frequency that the meteors fall.
Meteor Strike / Meteor Shower: Meteors now deal damage in a 2 tile range when they strike. (Updated from having to be direct on top of them).

Hope you guys enjoy!

Here are some previews:
Walking Bomb Barrage Of Bolts Flamestrike Cone Flamestrike Line
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