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  • Candy Apple
    Candy Apple replied to the thread Mirror Mold.
    Hehe I got it hun and ty :)
  • Than924
    Than924 replied to the thread Mirror Mold.
    We fixed it. I added a snip to only copy Blessed items. The drawback with this is if the player doesn't have any blessed items, it...
  • golfin
    golfin replied to the thread CentrED+ Install Tutorial.
    This is one method to do it. But I personally do not recommend it.The second is that you directly set the program how it should...
    • rozliseni.jpg
  • Candy Apple
    Candy Apple replied to the thread Addon Converter.
    Ahh I see.
  • Candy Apple
    Candy Apple replied to the thread Mirror Mold.
    Why is this cs. set to drop items that you have on that are not blessed ? Asking because if you kill your self you can get extra items...
  • SeifUO
    Links not working tho, thats why I thought it was a spam o_O
  • The_Ice_Phoenyx_Rising
    The_Ice_Phoenyx_Rising replied to the thread Addon Converter.
    I will try and look at it later when I get back home I know when I designed that it was for publish 57.2 using .net 4.7.2 and if memory...
  • Candy Apple
    Candy Apple replied to the thread Addon Converter.
    using Pub 54 and when I add this cs. A2S (addon converter) I get this and not sure where or what to remove? Errors: + CUSTOM/A2S...
  • SeifUO
    Looks like a spam =/ We already have the same here lol
  • AsYlum
    AsYlum replied to the thread TileData.
    UO client uses uop files for quite some time now in version 7 and SA expansion animations are now also stored in uop files. After...
  • strahd replied to the thread Player Auto-Loot Corpse Item.
    Ok, there must be something else then. It will pickup whatever I add to the list but then lockup the server for this character. every...
  • 13440130
    13440130 replied to the thread Player Auto-Loot Corpse Item.
    Server.Items.CharacterDatabase.LootContainer( from, this ); This is another code related to the picking system in my server You can...
  • strahd replied to the thread Player Auto-Loot Corpse Item.
    Hello. I can't seem to get the system to work without that CharacterDatabase.LootContainer line. The server won't complie with it in...
  • Rutibex
    Rutibex replied to the thread Offline shard list.
    My brother in UO I got a shard for you: WIP - Shards of Minax
  • FingersMcSteal
    FingersMcSteal replied to the thread TileData.
    So it is, my bad i'm going blind lol. Just looked through an up to date install but must have missed it... god help me please lol...

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