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Emote System 2015-06-02

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Copied from the header I included.

// Original Author unknown
// Edited by Forest Condon fcondon aka Exale
// Cleaned the gump up considerably, removing extra art, moving text and buttons to make it look more visually pleasing.
// Updated code to compile and work with ServUO and JustUO, Should also work with RunUO 2.5
// Removed a lot of unreachable code that threw warnings in the server.

This was an old script I had in my folder from years ago. Another one I am unsure of the original author but I did a lot of cleanup and fixing on it to get it to work.

Basically it's an emote system where you can press [e to bring up a menu of all the emotes you can do. They include sound, animations, and text. You can also use variables such as "[e cry" to cry.

The emotes are: ah, ahha, applaud, blownose, bow, bscough, burp, clearthroat, cough, cry, faint, fart, gasp, giggle, groan, growl, hey, hiccup, huh, kiss, laugh, no, oh, oooh, oops, puke, punch, scream, shush, sigh, "slap, sneeze, sniff, snore, spit, stickouttongue, tapfoot, wistle, woohoo, yawn, yea, yell.

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