This travel system functions much like the Public Moongate system that exists on public version of Ultima Online, but with a slightly different thematic vibe.
Players can go to the NPCS (carriage drivers or ferry captains) throughout the world, select a destination, and travel!
There are a number of default locations that can be easily changed in the CarriageDriver.cs or FerryCaptain.cs.
Simply place the folder in your directory and go.
Place the Carriage Drivers and Ferry Captains anywhere and change the locations in the files accordingly.
Or you can use the default locations already listed.
Then place the Carriages/Ferries near their respective NPCs.
Players can go to the NPCS (carriage drivers or ferry captains) throughout the world, select a destination, and travel!
There are a number of default locations that can be easily changed in the CarriageDriver.cs or FerryCaptain.cs.
Simply place the folder in your directory and go.
Place the Carriage Drivers and Ferry Captains anywhere and change the locations in the files accordingly.
Or you can use the default locations already listed.
Then place the Carriages/Ferries near their respective NPCs.