Fully patched ML CLient with loads of custom work.

Fully patched ML CLient with loads of custom work.

Heamo Goblin
First release
Last update
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This was one of my first project clients i had work on day and night when i had a RunUO 1.0 server...
Yes she is old but it is a fully patched client for ML plus it can be used with the IRIS client on top of being able to be used with the Old School 3D client as well!

This client i used to self teach myself how to add in custom Art, Animations, items, etc.

This client is truly packed full of goodies i collected over the years and some are even hand made by myself.

I hope some one can find use of it i have had it sitting for far too many years and figured with my big come back to ServUO why not give away my pride and joy.....

At one point this client was truy like my little baby i can not tell you the amount of time that went into this client from the hue file to all the other files.

I hope you all enjoy this client as much as i did working on it.


-Edit This will not work with any current ServUO version this was a client was designed at the time of RunUO 2.0!

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