Max Followers Based On Intelligence
Intelligent people have more influence over others. So, this script evaluates how intelligent is the player and changes the number of creatures he could control.
1. Drop this script somewhere in your Scripts folder
2. Open it and change the Config class to suit your needs.
3. Open PlayerMobile.cs and find, in the ValidateEquipment_Sandbox() method, the following line:
Below that line, add the following line:
4. Restart the shard and it will automatically start evaluating the players' max followers.
You can configure it on the first lines of the script.
Intelligent people have more influence over others. So, this script evaluates how intelligent is the player and changes the number of creatures he could control.
1. Drop this script somewhere in your Scripts folder
2. Open it and change the Config class to suit your needs.
3. Open PlayerMobile.cs and find, in the ValidateEquipment_Sandbox() method, the following line:
Mobile from = this;
Below that line, add the following line:
4. Restart the shard and it will automatically start evaluating the players' max followers.
You can configure it on the first lines of the script.
int IntelligenceCap = 125; // What's the intelligence cap for players?
int MinFollowersAllowed = 2; // What's the minimum number of followers they can have?
int MaxFollowersAllowed = 8; // What's the maximum number of followers they can have?