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Mechanical Pet Crafting and Vendor 1.01

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Servuo version 57.3.


The MechanicalPet is a unique item in the game that represents a mechanical companion for players. This item can be purchased from a specialized vendor and can be used to create a mechanical pet that assists the player in various tasks. The mechanical pet offers a range of functionalities such as combat support, carrying items, and more.


The MechanicalTinkeringTool is a specialized tool used by players to create and maintain mechanical pets. It is essential for assembling the mechanical pet and requires various ingredients to complete the process. This tool is also available for purchase from the vendor.

Crafting Menu​

The crafting menu for the mechanical pet provides players with an interface to select and assemble their mechanical companion. Using the MechanicalTinkeringTool and the necessary ingredients such as iron ingots, gears, and springs, players can craft their mechanical pets. The menu guides the player through the assembly process, ensuring that all components are correctly utilized.


The MechanicalVendor is a non-player character (NPC) who sells items related to mechanical pets. This vendor offers the following items for purchase:

  • MechanicalPet for 5500 gold.
  • MechanicalTinkeringTool for 1150 gold.
  • Ingredients required for crafting mechanical pets:
    • Iron Ingot for 10 gold each.
    • Gears for 15 gold each.
    • Springs for 20 gold each.
The vendor can be found at specific locations in the game world, and interacting with them allows players to buy the necessary items to create and maintain their mechanical pets.

An old script has been made runnable again and a vendor has been added who sells the ingredients. Servuo version 57.3.
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