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New ServUO Rebuild w/OWLTR & FS-ATS 2016-12-17

Hello everyone,
I know it's been some time since i done work on this code, But i am finally able to start working on things once again.... this is going to take me some time but i have plans to update this or just create a Whole new Version of the code with a few changes as well as major updates from ServUO.

This will take me some time as i am working on a few projects now but i am planning a complete overhaul, as well as some other things being added in this time... i am hoping to get things on the ball over the next few weeks i should have a new Version started....
Anyone wanting to see anything added please Post a msg to me and i will see what i can do after the initial parts are done and added in... please remember this is not an easy things to do as the codes are dated and will take me some time to get things in order... once i do i will post the new links for everyone as well as new version as they come... If you have any questions please feel free to contact me....

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