Orc brute

Animations Orc brute 1.1

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Orc brute v1.0

This is a custom rendered orc that can be used as a replacement or a standalone mob.
He comes in two versions; the original and a downscaled version. In this is also included a basic script for those of you who wants to have him as a companion. The companion is basically a tameable version of the orc brute. So if you want to use him, you have to add him to the PetTrainingHelper.cs script. I don't know if it's possible to do this another way, since scripting is rather new to me. That is also why I have just based him on the cu-sidhe for now.
So I just add this line in the PetTrainingHelper script:
new TrainingDefinition(typeof(OrcBruteCompanion), Class.MagicalClawedAndTailed, MagicalAbility.Cusidhe, SpecialAbilityClawedTailedAndMagical2, WepAbility5, AreaEffectArea1, 3, 5),
If there are better ways of doing this, I am open to suggestions!
This is my first venture into creating animations from scratch, so I know he is not perfect. I may redo this if I learn something new. I also hope to be able to render him using another rendering engine, but for now this is how he looks.

Just a preview of the walk animation:


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