Roleplay Systems

Roleplay Systems 1.0

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Hi i'm Toupzy/Bobking this is my first amazing systems i worked on or part of my roleplay total conversion initiative, just having fun and i love Servuo
i used Servuo publish 57.4 for this and burnt out a.i a few times learning from it and questions It is only fair i share some of my work for I am not aiming
at making a popular shard and Servuo helped me a lot in the past, I also fetched snippet resources so enjoy please just thank me or anything if you do like it!


Oh for best results with guards make sure you disable vanilla/osi guards from regions xml at least i would do that...

1. Just drop Custom folder or the files you want inside Custom under C:\ServUO-pub57\Scripts

2. The guards should work from the get go but the best way to go about it is minimal setup and perfect according to my testing:
[add xmlspawner then guard_v3 (2 or 3 or something that makes sense to your map or location) I like to populate fancy streets but not poor towns much.

In the Xmlspawner properties make sure homerange=15 and spawn=15 or around 15 for spawn, this was my best result.

3. Feel free to edit the scripts or anything of course, the guards will assault anybody with skin hue 1970 or 1157 because it is the goblinblood and demonblood
from this folder i offer if you want, but it can simply be ignored or commented out easily.

Edit: BIG NOTE: Testing as owner/admin is a bad way to test guards.. It just won't trigger things properly it seems.. try as player even player account plz!

4.If you do any edits to the guard file make sure you respawn the xmlspawners, also feel free not to use my demonblood and goblinblood races or modify or anything.

5. Guards will patrol and kill anything bad or criminal, they will attempt to dismount horsed enemies too with a fancy smoke bomb effect and sound it's random
so they don't 100% succeeed.. You can sneak by them i may have screwed up the stealth line but it works better than i thought. They will randomly speak lines you
can easily modify to your liking or add more, and not be spammy about it (v1 version was so spammy) They will not chase or notice ghost/dead players like in V1 either.

******************Monster Blood Races***************************************************************************************
Like always 100% free to edit/not use or anything
1. Inside game the following commands [add Demport then select the ground... or [add Gobport..
2. You will notice it created a portal thingy this is because i created an intro room/area where people can pick OSI/DEFAULT or backgrounds for rp like these ones.
3. Once stepping or walking through Demport or Gobport the code will apply..
4. [props on Demport/Gobport and select a destination where it leads if going that route, I just add a moongate ontop (The moongate doenst teleport)
it is only Demport/gobport that teleport player.. I rename the Moongate something like: Goblinblood for gobport and Demonblood for Demport.

So in short: Create Demport or Gobport and just make it lead somewhere with destination, feel free to add a moongate ontop for effect/visual like i do.

Notes: I really hope somebody can appreciate this and i feel it is minimal setup and can be tweaked easily in many ways, this is the way i have chosen to do things.
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