Shards of Minax

WIP Shards of Minax v66

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Work In Progress
Impressive, a shard to have fun alone or with trustworthy friends from the git go.. Lots of work behind this amazing!
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I love this and can't wait for the next release. looking forward to leveling pets.
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A great job to be able to relive and play a classic in single player. I hope that the updates can continue and the project will continue with new additions, perhaps even with pk and npc (script-driven) to make the idea of a "alive" star despite being played in offline mode. Great job, thank you very much for your commitment and complements for the passion with Ai who continues this beautiful project, always waiting for additional news on future versions, thank you.
There is already NPC PKs in the wilderness! Perhaps you are just lucky haha
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Cool! Excellent
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