"Shifty" Locke, The Professional Lockpicker

"Shifty" Locke, The Professional Lockpicker 2024-05-28

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Made on pub 57, might work with 58

Replace the stock SmugglersToolBox with the one included in this package!
You may modify any way you choose just dont remove credit!! Peace!

The quest item is "ShiftyLP" I add this to a treasure chest with an xmlspawner. To do this,
copy the following line without "quotes" and paste (control-v) into a line in an xmlspawner.

"TreasureLevel1/ADD,1.0/<ShiftyLP>" -For a level 1 TreasureChest
"TreasureLevel2/ADD,1.0/<ShiftyLP>" -For a level 2 TreasureChest
"TreasureLevel3/ADD,1.0/<ShiftyLP>" -For a level 3 TreasureChest
"TreasureLevel4/ADD,1.0/<ShiftyLP>" -For a level 4 TreasureChest

ShiftyLock is Capn Blackheart's 1st mate, Capn Blackheart can be found in Bucs Den at the tavern,
I set the room up like the picture included with the script. Then I set up 10 chest spawners in bucs that spawn
normal TChests without a quest item inside, to do this just add this line without quotes to an xmlspawner


To change the difficulty you can change the 1 to 1-4. Then I find an obscure spot thats hard to see
and then add a spawner with the quest item using the 1st codes in this message above. Then change the spawn rate in props to like 1 hour. If you wish to make it harder, you can change the line /ADD,1.0/ to
something like /ADD,0.25/ which will limit the chance the chest will spawn with the quest item
25% of the time. This quest rewards a +10 lockpicking powerscroll, a luck increase deed (100 Luck)
and a modified SmugglersToolBox. If you need any help getting it setup, you can hit me up with a PM
on servUO.com, my screen name is Olorin Aka Serenity. This quest can only be done once per character.

(This info is included in the rar package) Happy Adventuring!
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