Summon Command
This is a plug&play command to let players summon other players, to bring them to their position, saving the time they would spend traveling. The command has a cooldown, so players need to wait some time before using it again.
Just drop this script anywhere in your Scripts folder.
You can configure it on the top of the script:
In-game, just type [Summon to see a list of players available to summon.
You can also use [Summon <name> to filter the list or directly summon a specific player.
Gump seen by the summoned.
This is a plug&play command to let players summon other players, to bring them to their position, saving the time they would spend traveling. The command has a cooldown, so players need to wait some time before using it again.
Just drop this script anywhere in your Scripts folder.
You can configure it on the top of the script:
bool Enabled = true; // Is this command enabled?
bool CanBeUsedInCombat = false; // Can they use this command while in combat?
bool CanBeUsedWhileDead = false; // Can they use this command while they are dead?
TimeSpan Cooldown = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1); // How long players need to wait before using the command again?
TimeSpan AutoRefuseDelay = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); // How long should the gump be displayed for the summoned?
In-game, just type [Summon to see a list of players available to summon.
You can also use [Summon <name> to filter the list or directly summon a specific player.
Gump seen by the summoned.