UO Studio

UO Studio

Added Studio Effects - 10 effects to use in your films!
Fixed Sound - should now record sound added while recording and not just the beginning frame!
I just want to start by saying I am deeply sorry to everyone for having to do this but I had left myself no good option and for what ever I was thinking when I first started writing tis, I didn't do versioning in the serialization, which has lead to issues, I tried to do a work around but that was getting messy and prone to errors! So with a heavy heart I had to fix my main mistake and introduce versioning in the serialization to prevent this from happening in the future!

With that said, if you have already made film's and want to ensure they don't get wiped, before installing this new version, export them to file, then delete all film's in the world. If you don't delete them, once you install this new version, the server will want to delete them! Once new version in, you can import the films and hopefully everything is back to normal!

Again, I am deeply sorry for causing any lost work!

Good news, UOStudio now has robust serial versioning to avoid any future conflicts with updates!
Refactored & added new props for HideActor - you can now just run a film with the props/sounds etc etc, while hiding the actor!

Cleaned up linking, you can only set a link by single clicking film and targeting another film, if you target anything but a film, it will clear the previous link!
*Fixed potential crash if setting sound before starting to record!
*Fixed Sound and Props Gump, Id & Hue should stay once previewed!

Minor Refactoring!
Added new toggle for Linking Films, you can now set the IsConcurrent, which if false and film linked, will run the film after the first one finishes, otherwise is true, which is default, they run at the same time!

Cleaned up the gumps, I had made a mistake and mixed old/new gump code, my bad! All gumps should be working properly now!

Removed the film Play Gump, you can now use the PLAY toggle in props

Updated the staff access to film, when on ground, stand outside 1 tile to get props on double click, otherwise stand within 1 tile to auto pick up!
Fixed where some gear was not being recorded, ie: BaseSuits

Added new menu to recorder - Add Mod : Now you can update the name/body and hue of the actor per frame as per Add SFX and ADD Prop, only difference, there is no preview, as it will not record the state on change, it will record the mods on next frame going forward until changed again! The mods are removed from actor when recording stops!

Added New Cancel button to recording gump, just in case you change your mind about making a film, this will delete the film it made as well!
Update, Optimized and Refactored!

*This was to prep for some new features I have planned & to deal with some bugs I found!
Version Details

While refracting I found a bug which lead me to optimize the serialize/deserialize, do to this I need to update anyone that had saved films already, so use Version to update your saves, then get version! If you do not have any saved films, you can disregard this version and move right to Version!
Fixed a potential issue if no sound used in frame!

Added - Export/Import feature, you can now share the film cross shard!
Added Sound - You can now add SFX to your films!
*Fixed actor alignment, it was off by one!
*Fixed the props being deleted too quick, this now is smoothed out to over lap next frame
*Added new Prop Control - On Recorder, can now add props (Two Types, Persistent and Per Frame)

Prop FYI - When you create the stage and before recording, you can place props that will stay and only be visible while film playing! Props placed while recording are only for the current frame, if you want the prop to persist past the frame, you must add it again in every frame you wish to have it appear!
Added - Now you can add StudioProps to the filming, they are recorded per scene! Use [Add StudioProp ItemID Hue

Active Shards


Total amount